How Incremental Work Helps Navigate Team Conflict
Disagreement within teams may be completely normal, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Disagreement within teams may be completely normal, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Government executives faced sweeping changes the past 18 months, from a “data explosion” to increased virtual collaboration. They’re applying all the lessons they learned into 2022.
For agencies to realize the full benefits of DevSecOps, they need to apply the DevOps tenet of continuous delivery both to software and security.
If there’s one thing the past year has taught professionals across the globe, it’s that it is time to rethink how they work.
Our armed forces are faced with near-peer adversaries who have developed many systems that are competitive on a system-to-system basis. How can the U.S. assert and maintain dominance in this environment?
Often called apps, applications are computer programs that are designed to carry out specific tasks like playing media for end users.
Given a limited budget, how do you make a go/no-go decision on an IT modernization initiative? Try approaching it like a home improvement project.
There’s just so much to secure, and with the infamous cyber skills shortage in government, teams don’t have enough hands for it all. But security isn’t locked into a losing battle; it can still catch up.
“The goal of the Agile approach is to develop and release working software on a more frequent basis, reducing release cycles from months or years to just weeks or days.”
As the world’s largest employer, the Defense Department’s innovation strategies can inform and improve other agencies that follow them.