Funds Still Available for Previously Furloughed Feds
GoFundMe and Deepak Chopra partnered to raise money for federal employees directly impacted by the shutdown through the Government Shutdown Direct Relief Fund.
GoFundMe and Deepak Chopra partnered to raise money for federal employees directly impacted by the shutdown through the Government Shutdown Direct Relief Fund.
When disasters strike towns and cities, 911 centers quickly become inundated with calls beyond those that are truly life-threatening situations. The result is that emergency response is delayed which can sometimes lead to deadly consequences. A case in point is a story in the New York Post about how New York City’s 911 center wasRead… Read more »
On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: November 5th. That’s the day would-be Presidential Management Fellows can begin their applications for the prestigious program. The highly competitive and very thorough application process is incredibly hard to successfully navigate. But we here at GovLoop are here to help. Click here for the full recap. But First: What the roleRead… Read more »
By MICAH L. SIFRY Last week, I had the privilege of talking with Genevieve Williams and David Burton, two of the three authors of “The Use of Social Media for Disaster Recovery,” a 32-page guide built on the experiences they (and their co-author Rebecca Williams) had in the wake of the powerful and destructive tornadosRead… Read more »
When I met a friend to share my good news yesterday, she caught me a little off-guard by saying, “You have to hear how BP saved my Christmas.” That’s right, as in the same BP from the Gulf oil spill. Having asked to remain anonymous, we’ll call her Jane. Jane works at a local upscaleRead… Read more »
So far I have heard very little mentioning of the possible use of the Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS) regulation (15 CFR Part 700) to expedite deliveries of goods and services supporting the humanitarian efforts in Haiti. The DPAS, which is use routinely by the Department of Defense, allows for the placement of priorityRead… Read more »
In the wake of the devastating 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti Tuesday, many concerned government, NGO and private sector technology folks from diverse organizations are mobilizing to help. I’m especially proud of the fact that some of my friends and colleagues from the Crisis Camp community are leading the charge. If you are a humanitarian assistance,Read… Read more »