Government Shutdown Impact Report
A Research Analyst at Clever Real Estate surveyed 500 federal workers on the impact of the government shutdown and wrote a report on the findings.
A Research Analyst at Clever Real Estate surveyed 500 federal workers on the impact of the government shutdown and wrote a report on the findings.
We are all familiar of the story of the three little pigs. Each pig built his different house to the best of his abilities – one with hay, one with sticks and one with bricks. Despite their efforts, however, the pigs’ houses were blown down one-by-one by the big, bad wolf. When it comes toRead… Read more »
Big data has revolutionized the way government agencies store, manage and collect data. Agencies can no longer rely on stable and structured data as a means to meet mission need. The way citizens engage with government has evolved, and the kinds of data processing services available have changed. Today, agencies must be able to quicklyRead… Read more »
One of the most important questions to ask during a job interview or when preparing for an annual review is: “What constitutes success” or “what does success look like.” For private sector organizations, there are often very easily quantifiable metrics: number and size of sales, or year-to-year growth. Even in the nonprofit sector, there canRead… Read more »
This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. The the IBM Center for The Business of Government is pleased to present a new report, Realizing the Promise of Big Data: Implementing Big Data Projects. The report, written by Kevin Desouza, Arizona State University, provides aRead… Read more »
Big data is a big task. Of the many agencies dealing with massive amounts of data is the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board (RATB). As an independent agency within the federal government, RATB is focused on providing extensive transparency insights to federal programs as well as preventing waste, fraud and abuse of Recovery Act funds.Read… Read more »
Last Friday, the Office of eDiplomacy within the State Department’s Bureau of Information Resource Management held its Tech@State conference on the theme of Moneyball Diplomacy. The event centered on how emerging tools and practices in data analysis can add a valuable quantitative lens to approaches in U.S. foreign development and policy. My favorite speaker wasRead… Read more »
Creative was certainly not the adjective I would have used to describe my undergraduate introductory course in statistical methods. Perhaps I should have paid closer attention in class, as data analysis and interpretation have since taken on creative new forms. Every year, Fast Company puts out a list of the 100 Most Creative People inRead… Read more »
Last year, the Harvard Business Review named data science the “sexiest job of the 21st century.” There’s substantial evidence to back up this bold claim as the excitement surrounding big data across sectors and industries continues to grow, calling on the right professionals to mine, analyze and interpret society’s vast data supply. Below are threeRead… Read more »
While business travel is expected to pick up in 2013, it appears that trends for corporate events, such as meetings and conferences, are shifting to reflect new economic realities. The Active Network recently published a study which followed meeting planning patterns from 2008-2012, and showed a distinct change in how companies approach organizing corporate gatherings.Read… Read more »