Posts Tagged: republican candidates

Daily Dose: Small donors make up the base of Santorum, Paul, Gingrich fundraising efforts

Are you excited about the candidacy of Rick Santorum? Ron Paul? Newt Gingrich? Looking at the percentage of small donors who have contributed to their campaigns, many voters are. What about Mitt Romney? According to fundraising numbers, not likely. Though Romney has by far the most funds raised at $63.2 million, he has the smallestRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Presidential Hopefuls Spread National Defense Disinformation

National defense is always a highly touted issue during Presidential campaigns. And rightfully so, as what could be more important than our national defense? This primary season, presidential hopefuls are going after Obama just as much as they are their Republican rivals. But what happens when the are spreading potentially dangerous disinformation? Recently, presidential hopefulsRead… Read more »