Building Your Professional Legacy
A good reputation is built over time, not in one grand gesture. Learn how to intentionally develop your professional legacy in three simple steps.
A good reputation is built over time, not in one grand gesture. Learn how to intentionally develop your professional legacy in three simple steps.
The U.S. economy has taken off. Many private and public sector employees are thinking about new career opportunities or want to move up the leadership ladder in an organization where they currently work. How?
Your reputation will always precede you. Make sure it’s a good one by doing what you say you’ll do, consistently doing the right thing even when nobody is looking, and giving credit to others.
The perception that government cannot be trusted is a very real problem. What can you do to help restore citizen trust?
Leadership “experts” list dozens of characteristics that they say are important for successful leaders. Many lists overlap, but I think they really come from the experiences and observations of the writers. One former senior level political appointee, Linda Springer, recently observed that a common set of successful characteristics private sector – being decisive, directive, andRead… Read more »
I love being social on social media sites. From Facebook to Twitter, Govloop or LinkedIn, I enjoy staying in touch and reading about happenings in the world. However, recently I have noticed a few personalities emerge that make this experience less enjoyable. Do you know who I mean? Those people who you can almost anticipateRead… Read more »
Do you show up at your best for other 175 million LinkedIn members?Many posts have been written about developing your profile and contact information for the ‘yellow pages’ of the professional community – the top part of your LinkedIn page. While this is important and you must build a strong profile and history, it isRead… Read more »
The Web and the Collective intelligence – How to use Collective Intelligence techniques to ensure that your web application can extract valuable data from its usage and deliver that value right back to the users. The Web and the Collective Intelligence – How to use Collective Intelligence techniques to ensure that your web application canRead… Read more »