Survey Results: Data Analytics Role in Agencies’ IT Innovation
When it comes to innovation, agencies are pinning much of their hopes on analytics, particularly when putting their vast stores of data to use.
When it comes to innovation, agencies are pinning much of their hopes on analytics, particularly when putting their vast stores of data to use.
Some enterprise IT teams are adopting hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) as an alternative to traditional infrastructure solutions.
The top drivers included replacing aging systems, improving delivery of mission objectives, citizen experience and security posture.
The ways millennials and Generation Zers prefer to engage with coworkers or citizens look very different from Generation X and baby boomers’ preferences.
This post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s latest research brief, Enabling Digital Transformation in Government. Digital transformation — the updating of information technology solutions and services — is one of the highest priorities for government today. Given its potential to improve citizen services, cut procurement costs and improve productivity, federal agencies are aggressively pursuing thisRead… Read more »
This post is an extract from our latest research brief, The Power of Technology in Federal Agencies. Survey data is from a recent GovLoop survey of 211 public sector employees. The Trump administration’s April 2017 memo provided a “Comprehensive Plan for Reforming the Federal Government and Reducing the Federal Civilian Workforce.” It calls on agenciesRead… Read more »
Congress enacted FITARA to reduce waste and duplication in the acquisition and management of federal information technologies.
In light of the rapidly changing tech scene, many organizations have started to look toward the future and adapt their traditional enterprise systems to new and developing technologies. What is emerging now is an environment where agencies are adapting bimodal or multimodal technologies and platforms.
This blog is an excerpt from our recent Industry Perspective, “Revolutionizing Government Facilities Management in the Cloud.” To download the full brief, click here. The US government owned and managed buildings and assets well before Thomas Jefferson signed his name to the Declaration of Independence. Today, federal government owns, leases, or manages more than 275,000 buildingsRead… Read more »
This article is an excerpt from a recent research brief with Appian, Accelerating Government Transformation With IT, which includes a survey of 178 public-sector professionals who identified the challenges, best practices and importance of adopting digital transformation solutions. DISA provides advanced information technology and immediate communications support to the President, Vice President, Secretary of Defense, militaryRead… Read more »