Posts Tagged: response

Sprint M2M to Boost Utility Industry Operations; Make Systems Smarter

Press Release Jan. 19, 2012, 9:00 a.m. EST Sprint M2M to Boost Utility Industry Operations; Make Systems Smarter Itron, Lanner, Power Insight and Silver Spring offer Sprint connectivity to utilities for automated monitoring and data collection OVERLAND PARK, Kan., Jan 19, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Electric and water utilities are changing the way theyRead… Read more »

Using the Hourglass to Respond to Questions in a Crisis

Here at EPA, we were quite busy this spring providing information about radiation levels resulting from the earthquake and tsunami that damaged Japanese nuclear reactors. Check out the site! Now we’re thinking about lessons learned, and one thing I came up with was a concept of a question/answer “hourglass,” where we take in questions fromRead… Read more »

Duty to Die

The cost of health fcare or DOD is squeezing other budget essentials. Most particulally, the growing costs along three lines merit special attention Retirees Dependents TBI and PTSD for the active force along with dramatic changes in the WIA/KIA ratio (more survivors with long term care and rehab needs What to do? Raise co-pays andRead… Read more »

CB2: GroupMe Gets the Gov2.0 Treatment

It’s always great when you discover something that’s not only fun but can make your job easier. Recently I became aware of a service named GroupMe that enables you to instantly define a group of friends or co-workers and text them all at once with a single number. To give it a try, I setRead… Read more »

CB2: QR Codes for Crisis Response

What is that goofy-looking barcode to your right, you ask? It’s called a QR (Quick Response) Code and it can store over 4,000 alphanumeric characters in this two dimensional black and white image. Think of it as a cryptogram or cipher readable by mobile devices. The one displayed here for instance actually reads, “GovLoop isRead… Read more »

USAF social media Incident Response chart

I spent Thursday and Friday at Free State Social, a social media conference sponsored by the World Company in Lawrence, Kansas. I was the only government participant. I learned a number of interesting things, but the EUREKA! moment for me as a government practitioner was provided by Jeremiah Owyang, whose presentation included this social-media responseRead… Read more »

Free National Emergency Alert System

Well, we really don’t have a unified national alert system that is able to alert the population, first responders, law enforcement, etc, in case of natural or man made dissasters. So what did I do about this? Well, I got together with a group of homeland security and IT security professionals and designed a systemRead… Read more »

Why should we build business services to support community networks in advance of disasters?

Every year hurricanes, floods, fires, ice storms and other natural disasters visit the United States. We know that they are going to happen. With planning, we can use networks to lessen their impact, improve safe response, and put those affected back into normal routines quickly. When disasters do happen we know that they will disruptRead… Read more »