Posts Tagged: resume

New Year, New Resume

Every year we make resolutions…and we break them. If you are planning on applying for a position in 2015, reviewing and/or updating your government résumé is a resolute you need to make and just can’t break…especially if you are that government employee who wants to climb the GS scale ladder. In my experience, employees attemptRead… Read more »

How Keeping a Diary Can Help You Keep Your Current Job or Get You Your Next One

I was recently asked for an up-to-date résumé (note to my employer: I wasn’t job searching) and realized I hadn’t updated it since I got my current job four years ago. I had been working hard the last four years but hadn’t been keeping track of all of the interesting things I was doing. WhileRead… Read more »

How to Create a Success Portfolio That Will Win Over Interviewers

By Lily Whiteman, author of “How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job”; speaker on career issues; twitter: @Lilymwhiteman Although it doesn’t say so on the invitation, every job interview is really a Bring Your Own Success Portfolio —BYOSP—event. What is a success portfolio? A collection of tangible materials that validates your qualifications and proves thatRead… Read more »

Government-ize Your Resume

If you’re considering applying for your first federal job (or if you’re hunting for a new one), don’t plan on using a traditional resume. There are a number of specific things the feds are looking for that don’t usually apply to the private sector. What follows are some tips on how to rework your resumeRead… Read more »