Posts Tagged: retention

3R Bonuses: Retention

Because the federal government can’t always compete with the private sector on wages, it has some tools at its disposal to ensure that agencies can recruit and retain the best possible candidates. These include relocation, recruitment, and retention bonuses, also known as 3R payments. Here, we focus specifically on retention incentives to help you understandRead… Read more »

Identifying an Agency’s Critical Talent — Key to Talent Management Success

Organizations seem to be understanding that identifying their critical talent is important to achieving their goals. However, there is often still a lack of organizational focus on implementing processes for true talent identification. Part of the problem rests in the fact that many businesses and government agencies are not sure about how to go aboutRead… Read more »

Building a 21st Century Government…One Leader at a Time

When Obama’s budget plan for fiscal 2015 was released, the plan had its fair share of supporters and naysayers. There are obviously many sections to the plan, but there is one specific portion that addresses the challenge that a plethora of articles have been written about and many agencies are challenged with lately…leadership, and specificallyRead… Read more »

Intent vs Impact: How Do You Communicate?

How do you communicate? People thrive on communication; introverted, extroverted, verbal and non verbal, we all need to be able to communicate with one another in order to survive and succeed. Though sometimes, things get lost in translation. Your intent, the way in which you are communicating, doesn’t necessarily send the messages and signals thatRead… Read more »

7 Steps to Developing Great Leaders

A well-designed leadership development program is essential to identifying, attracting, filling, and retaining employee leadership. By using a consistent talent management program at all levels across the organization, future leaders are developed fruitfully. Leadership programs truly shape the success of business processes like hiring strategies, employee development, and career succession planning. Did you know thatRead… Read more »

Employee Retention Doesn’t Just Happen

What employee retention strategies do you use to engage and retain employees? Statistics from research done by the labor bureau show that the average American will hold around 11.3 jobs during their working years. The average number of jobs held is actually going up- especially with Millennials. Eleven may seem like a really high numberRead… Read more »

Do I Really Want To Work Here? What Are You Doing To Keep Me Engaged?

Many of us have experienced that moment – that moment when the excitement of a new job or new role begins to wane and we feel less than enthusiastic about going to work every day – the engagement decline. When you get that “Ugh, I so don’t want to come to work today…” feeling, oftenRead… Read more »

Raise Your Hand if Your Organization Can Improve Employee Development & Recognition!

So how many of you raised your hand? It’s ok, we can’t see you – go ahead, be honest. If we were to ask your employees if they feel your organization can improve employee development and learning and increase recognition– how many would raise their hand? One of the most overlooked yet important assets anRead… Read more »

Why is no one talking about the ‘pink elephant’ in the room? Or are they?

So your organization is going through some type of change. How can lack of communication during times of change affect your productivity and profitability? More than likely your employees know what’s going on earlier than you may think. Actually, if your organization is currently going through a change, employees and customers are probably talking aboutRead… Read more »

An Improving Economy Could Mean Loss of Employees. Will They Stay or Will They Go?

When accounting for the costs (both real costs, such as time taken to select and recruit a replacement, and also opportunity costs, such as lost productivity), the cost of employee turnover to organizations has been estimated to be up to 150% of the employees’ remuneration package. In the case of the public sector can, orRead… Read more »