Posts Tagged: retirement

Hiring Shame on Age?

As Baby Boomers are retiring (or so we thought) younger and younger Americans right out of colleges are occupying the spaces of an older worker. Employers might assume you’re close to retirement and don’t need that promotion, but that’s far from true for most Americans. They might also assume that older employees will miss moreRead… Read more »

Female Feds: What’s in Store for Your Financial Future?

By Abigail Reid, Writer-Editor, Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Recently, the Thrift Savings Plan examined gender differences in retirement saving among Federal employees. For the first time, we segmented data from our annual Participant Behavior and Demographics Report by gender, in addition to factors like age and length of tenure. Considering that March is Women’sRead… Read more »

3 Changes to Your Retirement Plan in 2015

How did your retirement plan fare in 2014? Are there any changes you should make as we head into 2015? As the calendar flips ahead to a new year, January is the perfect time to make sure your retirement plan is running smoothly. Kim Weaver, Director of External Affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board,Read… Read more »

Considering Phased Retirement?

As you near retirement age, there are a number of different factors you’ll likely be thinking about. You might realize that you aren’t as financially prepared to retire as you had anticipated, you might have trepidation about not having something to occupy your day, or you might just really like your job. If you fallRead… Read more »

I’m Retiring — Now You Want Me to Mentor

On August 7th, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued final regulations to allow eligible Federal employees the ability to work 20 hours per week, while receiving half of their pay and half of their retirement annuity. Under the Federal Phased Retirement law, employees who take advantage of the new flexibility, will be required toRead… Read more »