Potter County, PA Used Maps and Data to Bridge the Digital Divide
A rural Pennsylvania community expanded broadband internet services using GIS.
A rural Pennsylvania community expanded broadband internet services using GIS.
The High Ground of Texas Education Foundation, in partnership with area Economic Development organizations, is hosting the REDI© 2009-2010 Program. Developed in 1990 and offered numerous time since, this twenty-five hour comprehensive program is designed to give volunteers, board members, city staff, chambers, practitioners, elected officials and other interested individuals, a basic, nuts-and-bolts understanding ofRead… Read more »
(The full text of this excerpted blog post appears on Mike Russell’s blog at: blog.planetrussell.net) As the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania heads into the 60th day of its marathon state budget impasse, that’s no deterrent to some of the best and brightest minds in healthcare technology, military medicine, rural development and public policy. They’ll be convergingRead… Read more »
Rural Development has good news for a nation struggling to believe in the “American Dream” again. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding and USDA’s Rural Development provided 50,000 guaranteed home loans to folks who were turned away by conventional sources. Reinvesting in the “American Dream” is a solid step in the recovery of ourRead… Read more »
Over the past month, I’ve had the chance to speak with a lot of different people from various businesses and organization in the Levelland/Lubbock area. Typically, after a brief description and history of my company the first question is about the value of twitter. It’s easy to criticize or write off the social networking siteRead… Read more »