5 Things You Need to Know About Federal News From the Past Month
Changes in federal government keep coming fast. That’s why GovLoop gives you these monthly recaps of federal news that may affect agency management and employment.
Changes in federal government keep coming fast. That’s why GovLoop gives you these monthly recaps of federal news that may affect agency management and employment.
Changes in federal government keep coming fast. That’s why GovLoop is giving you these weekly recaps of presidential transition news that may affect agency management and employment.
Dear all, Last year here in Russia we actively promoted open data and open government initiatives, started new projects and right now we see and review a lot of open government projects lauched by government agencies. Unfortunately most of these projects are only in Russian so I suggest to use tools like Google Translate toRead… Read more »
www.homelandsecuritynet.com Many social scientists referred to guerrilla warfare as the “weapon of the weak” and terrorism as the “weapon of the weakest,” using violence to generate fear, and thereby to achieve their political goals, when direct military victory is not possible. Today terrorists usually prefer to avoid attacking heavily defended “hard targets” such as militaryRead… Read more »
So as you might already know I’ve enrolled for State Duma elections 2012 in Russia and going to represent interests of “Fair Russia” party. This post is about the strategy I’ve put down the election campaign that is mainly based on working with social media marketing that is actively used by different politicians. I’ve decidedRead… Read more »
A number of serious competitions among IT- developers that are aimed to implement new eGov services or projects that could be further used by authorities or other specialized companies have been conducted recently in almost every Western country. Developers in turn could derive a variety of benefits starting from free educational or qualification programme toRead… Read more »
For the first time in history on Moscow government meeting all of the materials will be filed in electronic form on the desktop computers through a specialized information system. Government members’ve already received their passwords. Access to system is possible through any device via Internet. System is still in test mode, but it previously passedRead… Read more »
On November 26 we had the first e-government conference taken in Moscow. This is the first event which is case-study based, the best practices were demonstrated there. The total number of participants: 273 persons, 80% are authorities’ officials and 20% are experts. There were 52 reports made on the next subjects: Providing of electronic publicRead… Read more »
Let me introduce myself to GovLoop community. My name is Alena Popova. I’m developing the direction of Government 2.0 in Russia. I’ve created the project Duma 2.0 (in russian), which was established in December 2009 and operates on the principle of Citizen 2.0 Project Duma 2.0 is a social initiative aimed to improve the lawsRead… Read more »
Next month Amver is heading to Saint Petersburg, Russia for the 10th anniversary of NEVA September 22 to 25, 2009. NEVA is the largest maritime exhibition in Russia and offers opportunities unavailable at other maritime venues. Amver will be at Lenexpo, Hall 7, Stand 733. We invite you to come by and say hello. AwardsRead… Read more »