Posts Tagged: SAMMIES

How Disruptive Technologies are keeping the State Department ahead of the curve!

100 years ago the telegraph was thought of as a disruptive technology. “The importance of getting ahead of the technological curve is imperative. Otherwise you become irrelevant. Many wars could have been prevented if governments had adopted the telegraph quicker,” said Richard Boly the Director in the office of ediplomacy at the State Department. BolyRead… Read more »

SAMMIES Finalist Explains Scientists’ Role In Protecting America

In the wake Septempber 11th, letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to offices across Washington, including several Senate offices, killing five people, sickening others, and creating an atmosphere of fear and unease across the country every time someone opened a letter. Arthur Friedlander, now Senior scientist at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of InfectiousRead… Read more »

Getting medical info digitally in a disaster — how one SAMMIES finalist made it happen

When disasters strike — think hurricanes, wildfires or terrorists attacks– and you are in need of medical care, Dr. Herman Allen Dobbs is the guy to call. As the Chief Medical officer for the National Disaster Medical Systems at the Department of Health and Human Services, Dobbs worked to significantly improve the way disaster victimsRead… Read more »

Physicist and Sammies Finalist Explains Hi-Tech Advances in Medicical Imaging and Data-Transfer

Physics, according to Jacob Taylor, is studying how nature works at a fundamental level, and using that knowledge to apply it in different ways. Jacob has been working hard at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, thinking through new technologies as a theoretical physicist (yes, the same title as Dr. Sheldon Cooper from theRead… Read more »

How one fed created a free tax service and a step by step guide to agency innovation

On today’s DorobekINSIDER How one feds helped millions of low income residents get their tax returns completed. The amazing work has made him a Service to America Award Medal Finalist. The Sammies — the oscars for feds. you’ll meet him. Click here for the full story. A step by step guide to making your agencyRead… Read more »

40 Years at the IRS — How one fed lends tax assistance to low income households

Every year millions of low-and moderate-income residents have their tax returns completed and receive refunds from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) — and they do it at no cost. Yes — free. No third-party tax preparer. It’s thanks in large part to the work of Michael McBride. McBride is a Supervisory Financial Analyst at theRead… Read more »

Sammies Finalist Helps Create Visibility for Our Women Veterans

Women veterans are a quickly growing group, with 20% of all new military recruits being female. Recognizing this, the Department of Veterans Affairs is making strides to better serve these returning warriors. Service to America Medal finalist Dr. Patricia Hayes, chief consultant for the Women Veterans Health Strategic HealthCare Group at the VA, spoke withRead… Read more »

Are you being bullied? One SAMMIES finalist is one the case — meet Deborah Temkin

Bullying has become a critical issue in America’s schools. Studies show that upwards of one-third of all students report experiencing bullying—physical, emotional and social—and three-quarters report witnessing it. But the Education Department is fighting back. Deborah Temkin is a Research and Policy Coordinator for Bullying Prevention Initiatives at the Education Department. She leads the government-wideRead… Read more »

Trouble Abroad: Who Ya’ Gonna Call? Sammies Finalist Michelle Bernier-Toth!

Being tasked with people’s safety is no small calling, especially when the people are across borders in sometimes hostile countries. When a crisis happens overseas, it’s Michelle Bernier-Toth’s job as managing director of Overseas Citizens Services at the Department of State’s Bureau of Consular
 Affairs to contact US nationals and get them out of theRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Alfonso Batres: A Leadership Veteran

Alfonso Batres has spent nearly three decades working with the community-based Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Readjustment Counseling Vet Centers, starting in the field offices and heading the national program since 1994. The program, which provides counseling, family services, job assistance, medical and benefit referrals, has expanded from 200 to 300 centers in the lastRead… Read more »