Posts Tagged: scholarship 2011

What Would Our Future Leaders Do With $100 Million of the Budget?

Giving back is a big part of GovLoop. Every year we try to give back to government and those people who focus themselves on public service. One of our initiatives to accomplish that is our annual scholarship contest. This year we partnered with NASPAA and are awarding 3 scholarships to graduate students who’s educational focusRead… Read more »

Alex Luboff – A Fiscal, Social, and Environmental Sustainability: Urban Agriculture Fighting Poverty

The essay below has been selected as one of the 15 finalists for the GovLoop and NASPAA Scholarship program. To vote, simply sign in to your GovLoop account (Not a member yet? Sign up for free now!) and then click the big ‘Awesome’ button at the bottom of the post. Everyone is encouraged to voteRead… Read more »