How the Scotch Whisky Industry Inspires My Work in Government
How the scotch whisky industry inspires integrity and excellence through community.
Career, Innovation, Leadership, Professional Development
How the scotch whisky industry inspires integrity and excellence through community.
Communications, Mobile, Project Management, Tech
The Internet and mobile technology have empowered people to share, express and engage opinions online, creating one of the most powerful environments to enhance democratic ideals. However, this same technology can and has been used by many regimes around the world to spy on, censor and suppress their people. The battle between these two competingRead… Read more »
The Communities of Practice (CoP) has over 1,300 UK communities and upward of 57,000 UK members, it is the largest collaborative platform for local government and so can be a daunting place for newcomers. If you begin your CoP journey as a community facilitator, however, this feeling of uncertainty is amplified as you have theRead… Read more »