Posts Tagged: Security

Capture the Flag: Cybersecurity Training Edition

In our closing keynote session at the Cyber Playbook event, Ann Barron-DiCamillo, Director, U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), Department of Homeland Security, shared some insights of her work at US-CERT and the importance of training the cyber workforce. In her role, Ann Barron-DiCamillo serves as the lead for DHS’s response to major cybersecurity incidents,Read… Read more »

Cyber Huddle: Hail Mary’s, Audibles & Sticking with the Run

Sprinkler systems. Elevators. CO2 monitoring. What do they all have in common? They are systems that can all be digitally accessed in modern buildings. They can also all be breached. In a world where digital thermostats can be compromised and reworked into spying microphones, how can public agencies possibly stay ahead of cyber security threats? AtRead… Read more »

Cybersecurity: We Need a New Mindset

Breaches are on the rise. Private entities are being hacked, again and again. And government agencies are not safe. Recently, Robert Anderson, executive assistant director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch of the FBI told the Senate Homeland Security Committee that if a federal department thinks it hasn’t been hacked, it is likely that they areRead… Read more »

The Surprising Missing Link in Your Organization’s IT Security Strategy

Pop quiz: what’s the biggest cybersecurity threat to your IT system? A. Inadequate security technology B. Malicious employees C. You It might surprise you to learn the answer is often C. In light of the seemingly never-ending string of data breaches and cyber attacks in the news – from Target, to Home Depot, to celebrityRead… Read more »

Welcome to the Post-Password Era

Passwords: from setting up your first AOL account to completing a banking transaction on your cell, these applications have all had them. But the enduring use of passwords may soon become a thing of the past. At Thursday’s GovLoop Training, Ensuring Safe Access for Government Users: The Evolution of Identity Management, we talked with DanRead… Read more »

Trust: Then and Now

With the growing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, being breached has become the rule, not the exception. Despite spending $28 billion annually on IT security, a recent study reported that over 90% of organizations have been breached. Data from KPMG corroborates the statistic, reporting a 93% breach rate. Each new week brings a newRead… Read more »

GovLoop Training: Secure Your Network & Protect Your Agency

It’s a scary digital world out there. A recent GAO study found that cyber attacks on government have increased 782% between 2006 and 2012. With increasing amounts of sensitive data stored in your network or cloud, your agency faces risks that are not to be taken lightly. It’s not all doom and gloom, however. There are stepsRead… Read more »

What Does it Mean to Be Secure?

The following blog post is an excerpt from a recent GovLoop guide: Your Cybersecurity Crash Course. We solicited the GovLoop community to learn their top cyber challenges and the report, we answer 12 of their most pressing cyber questions.   Maintaining and protecting valuable assets are two of government’s most important tasks. Your agency may very well hold crucialRead… Read more »