Posts Tagged: Security

Eyes in the Sky: Video Surveillance Made Simpler

Protecting your people, places and data is of paramount importance for governments. One way to increase security is to add more video surveillance, but storing all of that data can overwhelm your system. Network video is changing how state and local governments view the traditional security environment. Network video systems are part of the evolutionRead… Read more »

The Anatomy of a “Sniper” Hack

In war, there is quite a difference between the crude methods of indiscriminate destruction of weapons of mass destruction and a well trained sniper on a well-funded, precisely planned mission. WMDs leave mess everywhere, make it clear to everyone something big happened and are more about fear than accomplishing specific goals. In cyber war, theRead… Read more »

The Public/Private Imperative to Protect the Grid

Last week, three high-powered flares erupted from the Sun in a single 24-hour period, emitting electro-magnetic energy particle toward Earth and throughout the Solar System. The flares were categorized as X-class flares, capable of inflicting damage to the electrical grid. Also last week, a power station in Nogales, Arizona, was targeted for attack by aRead… Read more »

Older People and Work Do older people work to survive or because they want to stay in the game? I believe the answer is YES to both. In our society we segment people often without giving it much thought. There are older people in the Congress, even in the White House just moments away from the most powerfulRead… Read more »

Social Security – Now Or Later There was a candy years ago called Now-Later. I believe it was called Now-Later because if you chewed it now, it lasted so long you would still have it for later. Well, when it comes to when to collect Social Security benefits I am not so sure if the Now-Later theory actually works orRead… Read more »

To Infinity and Beyond – Or At Least to Savings

Space: the final frontier. When you look into the night sky, up at the stars, you can’t help but dream of exploration. A trip to the moon. A map of the constellations. A ride on a solar flare. But in 2011, NASA changed the space game: they terminated the space shuttle program. But that didn’tRead… Read more »

The Weakest Link & What To Do About Them

A chain is no stronger than its weakest link, and life is after all a chain. William James To information security professionals, having a strong chain of policy, practice and architecture is indeed, life. The human factor is always the weakest link in any information security program. Why is that? People are our greatest asset!Read… Read more »

5 Tips for Reducing Employee Job Insecurity

There’s a school of thought that contends when workers feel they have job security, they can become complacent and less productive. On the other hand, with an ax hanging over their heads, workers start to stress, act cautiously, make mistakes, or become resentful of superiors or motivated to leave your employ. In some cases, jobRead… Read more »