Posts Tagged: Security

Mobile is Changing the Nature of Public Service

Dr. David Bray, Chief Information Officer of the FCC, speaking to Wednesday’s crowd. Mobile technology is filled with potential. It has the capacity to radically increase organizational response time, interconnectedness, and access to information. But there’s a flip side: it also has the capability to severely undermine privacy and security measures. The impulse, then, mayRead… Read more »

Here’s Looking at You, Kid – You’re a Government Rock Star

In high school, I was a cheerleader. Pom poms and football games were my Friday night. That might not sound like a good time for many, but for me, it was the ultimate. Why? Because I honestly believe that people perform better when their good work is recognized – and I loved rooting for othersRead… Read more »

Securing the Ports and Securing the Nation – One Man’s Mission

In the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks, much of the focus in the transportation world was on securing the nation’s airports. But what about the other access points across the country? How secure were America’s many ports? It was that question Anthony Regalbuto, Chief, Office of International and Domestic Port Security, set aboutRead… Read more »

How to manage Internet Security software in your PC

Responsibility to manage Internet Security begins with an individual. The risks are always there and the following are a few practical steps, which you as a responsible individual can take to improve the security of your network. Refrain using shared/public systems: Do not use public computers for carrying out transactions such as investment transactions orRead… Read more »

4 Reasons to Attend Our Mobile Security Event

Smartphones. Tablets. BYOD. Oh my! Now, you have access to your data at all times, 24/7. You’re no longer disconnected when you leave your office. It’s obvious to anybody how far our society has come with mobile technology and the unique opportunity it presents to transform the way government operates. But in order to capitalizeRead… Read more »

5 Reasons to Attend Our Cybersecurity Event

Target. LivingSocial. The Federal Reserve. In today’s environment, every organization is at risk of having its data and infrastructure compromised. For security professionals today, being secure isn’t just about thwarting attacks – it’s also being prepared to react once you fall victim to a cyberattack. That’s why we’re hosting an upcoming in-person event on cybersecurityRead… Read more »

Windfall Elimination The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) only impacts individuals who earned a pension in any job and did not pay Social Security taxes, but worked long enough in other jobs to be eligible for Social Security Retirement or benefits due to disability. The Windfall Elimination Provision impacts Social Security benefits when any of an employee’sRead… Read more »

INSA Security Clearance Reform Recommendations

Since 1947 the average spy began committing espionage after 12 years of service. That highlights why periodic reinvestigations (PR) are critically important. The influential Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) has released the Security Reform Policy Council white paper on Leveraging Emerging Technologies in the Security Clearance Process. INSA includes a number of connected, heavyRead… Read more »

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Started With Security Governance

Article Posted on behalf of Vo Ballard of Cask, LLC. – If the word ‘governance’ sounds like a high level concept that is only applicable to high level managers, chances are you may be missing the cornerstone of a framework that guides and directs the why and how your organization conducts business. If you thinkRead… Read more »