Posts Tagged: Security

James Clapper: National Security to Suffer During Shutdown

National Intelligence Director James Clapper told the Senate Judiciary Committee his fears of how the government shutdown could affect the intelligence community and national security, Reuters reported Wednesday. “The damage will be insidious, so each day that goes by the jeopardy increases,” he said. Clapper told the panel 70 percent of civilian intelligence workers areRead… Read more »

8 Ways To Mitigate Cybersecurity Risks

Achieving your agency’s mission with the newest technology is a necessary step to modernize services and to keep pace in the digital era. However, virtualization can make your agency more vulnerable if it is not paired with the right security measures. In GovLoop’s new Agency of the Future series guide, “Winning the Cybersecurity Battle,” featuresRead… Read more »

DHS Could Halt, Cancel Some Contracts During Shutdown

“Certain planned procurements may be cancelled and certain existing contracts may be stopped, reduced in scope, terminated or partially terminated.” Nick Nayak, chief procurement officer at the Department of Homeland Security, has advised contractors of these potential actions in the event of a government shutdown in a letter posted Thursday on FedBizOpps. DHS will notRead… Read more »

My Tribute to the Washington Navy Yard Victims: My Colleagues

I read this very touching tribute to the Washington Navy Yard victims this morning. While I am an Air Force civilian in at a base in suburban Boston, we are all part of the same national security team. I feel the loss as if they were on my base. Their lives of quiet persevering dedicationRead… Read more »

New Report – Federal Agencies Challenged to Address Insider Threats

Originally published on Federal Blue Print The Information Sharing Environment (ISE) recently issued a report that highlighted how many federal agencies are currently challenged when it comes to dealing with insider threats. Forty four percent of 39 agencies surveyed reported that they had not yet met the minimum standards required for an effective insider threatRead… Read more »

9/11 Anniversary: Maintaining Vigilance on the Road Ahead

It has been 12 seemingly long years now since the terrorist attacks of 9/11 changed America forever. Thus as we honor the victims and pay our respects to their families, let’s also remember an unsettling but stark reality: America and our global interests are still at risk of massive terrorist attacks. Doug’s Story It hasRead… Read more »

Social Security Administration cat videos for YouTube featuring SSA website redesign

The following cat videos were posted on the official Social Security Youtube page as well as placed Skip Ads on Youtube to encourage retiring online through our new website. The SSA website redesign is seen in the video as well. All cats and voice over talent were volunteer in an effort to save money. FromRead… Read more »

How the NSA could get so smart so fast? – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 10 years ago the role of the Chief Information Officer was radically different than it is today. Consider this, in 2013 the federal government will spend more than $80 billion on IT. That’s no easy task. So how do they do it effectively? And is the role going to continue toRead… Read more »

Belkin Unveils Echo Sensor Technology for Intelligent Use of Water, Energy and Natural Gas Resources

HydroPoint Data Systems Partners With Belkin Echo Water for Smart Water Management; Department of Defense Selects Belkin Echo Electricity for Military Installation Demonstration Belkin, a trusted leader of technology solutions for office, classroom, IT infrastructure, and mobile environments, today introduced Echo, an advanced sensor technology system for buildings that analyzes the use of water, electricityRead… Read more »

New IDC report that Internet of Things has reached “tipping point” for government applications!

Hi! I just blogged a new report from IDC, The Coming of Age of the Internet of Things in Government. The report concludes that: “The Internet of Things is reaching a tipping point that will make it a sustainable paradigm for practical applications. The public sector’s use of the IoT is still limited but emergingRead… Read more »