Posts Tagged: Security

Anonymous Breaches the DoJ, Bomb Threat at NSA Data Center, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: Hackers from Anonymous have gained access to a Bureau of Justice Statistics server at the Department of Justice. More here. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ Transformation initiative to digitize immigration paperwork has resulted in its first online immigration form. More here. The U.S. Federal TradeRead… Read more »

Do Members of Congress Have Security Clearances?

Here’s a bit of “inside Washington” trivia to pass around the office today – do members of congress have security clearances? The topic of security clearance for elected officials has long been a complex one. Members of congress – even those in sensitive committee positions – do not receive or obtain security clearances in theRead… Read more »

5 Tips for Transitioning Government and Military When Emailing Your Resume to a Recruiter

Have you ever emailed your resume to a recruiter and simply said something along the lines of “Here’s my resume. Let me know what you have for me.” Recruiters see hundreds of resumes from job seekers each week. The more specific and helpful you can be when communicating with a recruiter, the better your resultsRead… Read more »

Even with a “Seedy” Past, Can I Still Get a Security Clearance?

The short answer is, yes – security clearance investigations take into account something called the “whole-person” concept. So mistakes in the past – be it serious debt, or even a felony offense – will be considered in light of the person you are today, and the circumstances behind the conduct. So, if you’re a governmentRead… Read more »

I am looking for an Executive Position as I transition out of civil service, why would I want to attend a career event?

(As I teach classes at many of the local government agencies on career search and social media, from time to time I get questions from professionals who are in their career transition. I just got this question this morning from someone in one of my classes about their attendance to our upcoming Cleared Job Fair.Read… Read more »

Cities and States Not Prepared for Cyber Attacks, FBI Surveillance Backdoors, and More

Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The State Department‘s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs plans to provide the Mexican Public Security Secretariat with the Mexico Technical Surveillance System to intercept and analyze communications. More here. In the National Preparedness Report released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency found thatRead… Read more »

Security Clearance Reciprocity

At a recent briefing by the Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (ONCIX) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) at the Government Technology & Services Coalition (GTSC), Charlie Sowell, ODNI Deputy Assistant Director, shared some of the efforts that ODNI is making toward enforcing security clearance reciprocity. What Reciprocity As manyRead… Read more »

FedRAMP 3PAO Program – Have we Heard of this Idea Before?

In a packed auditorium in 2006, I recall sitting in the “Red Auditorium” at NIST to participate in a workshop hosted by the Computer Security Division. The goal of the workshop was to discuss the implementation of Phase II of the FISMA Implementation Project. At the time, the Phase read like this: “The second phaseRead… Read more »