Posts Tagged: Security

Is Iran Stirring The Pot? US counter-terrorism officials say as the anticipation of a confrontation with Tehran over their nuclear program appears to be looming they believe that Iran is now providing “weapons and money” to various groups in an effort “to start as many bush fires as possible” with the goal of distracting the US and other regionalRead… Read more »

Location Data and Mobile Device Threats

Threatpost reports that cell users just got that more vulnerable to attackers: [T]here is enough information leaked from the lower layers of the GSM [Global System for Mobile Communications] communication stack to permit attackers to perform what they call “location tests” on targeted devices. “Cell phone towers have to track cell phone subscribers to provideRead… Read more »

Former Marylander Convicted Of Terrorism Majid Khan Helped Plot Indonesia Bombing, Attempted Assassination BALTIMORE — A former Baltimore County man was convicted as a terrorist on Wednesday. Majid Khan, 32, pleaded guilty to helping al-Qaida plot attacks all over the world, including a 2003 car bombing in Indonesia that killed at least a dozen people and the attempted assassinationRead… Read more »

Why Passwords Will Remain Relevant: Duress

With the continued rise in home-based and mobile working, the possibility of people being forced to access and potentially modify data during encounters with ne’er-do-wells becomes a genuine security issue. For example, while there haven’t been many cases reported yet, the time will come when the kid lurking in the alley with the switchblade, isn’tRead… Read more »

Government, Go Mobile in 2012. Do It Right 2

By: Andreas Muno In the last post, we discussed how Government/Public Sector enterprises are the laggards in the mobility race. This week we’ll take a further look at some of the challenges that come from lagging behind and some of the benefits that come from embracing mobility. Security Agencies often try to prevent data leakageRead… Read more »

Government and Military Officials Will Soon Receive Classified Materials on Smartphones

Reports have surfaced this month indicating that government officials will soon be able to receive classified materials through smartphones. The phones will operate using a specially designed version of Android software, which is being developed alongside Google as part of a multi-agency project that contractors have been hearing rumors of for the past year. TheRead… Read more »

Officials Hope Friday Prayers Do Not Include More Koran Burning Backlash

On its site, the Taliban had urged Afghan security forces to “turn their guns on the foreign infidel invaders.” It seems to be working, in an apparent backlash over the recent burning of Korans at a U.S. military base in Afghanistan, an Afghan solider turned his gun on his allies, shooting and killing twoRead… Read more »

Protest Erupts After Koran Burning

Thousands of angry protesters gathered outside Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield recently, chanting “Death to America,” firing slingshots, and hurling firebombs at the NATO base in the wake of reports that soldiers had burned a copy of the Koran. The commander of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) acknowledged that personnel at the base had “improperly disposedRead… Read more »

9 Interviewing Mistakes Security Cleared Job Seekers Should Avoid

You’ve been called in for an interview. As you know, first impressions are critical. The people you interview with will unknowingly make judgments about you within the first 30 seconds of meeting you. Those impressions may be based on how you shake hands or how you’re dressed, among other things. Bad impressions are very difficultRead… Read more »

Top 10 Reasons DISCO and OPM Reject Security Clearance Requests

Check out this just released list of top 10 reasons that security clearance requests are rejected. You may have thought drug use or credit issues were to blame, but it’s not nearly as juicy as that. It’s mundane, simple mistakes such as missing information, lack of fingerprint cards or not providing information for relatives whoRead… Read more »