Posts Tagged: Security

10 Must-Read National Security Blogs

A list of the top-10, must-read national security blogs from contributing writer Mike Jones. Read the full list here, and don’t forget to share your top picks! Blogs are not just for online diarists, they are a medium for professionals to discuss and exchange information about their fields. Nowhere is this truer than inRead… Read more »

Are you going to HIMSS 2012?

I’ll be attending this years HIMSS12 Annual Conference & Exhibition. February 20, 2012 at 7:00 AM – February 24, 2012 at 2:30 PM The Venetian Sands Expo and Convention Center , Las Vegas This event requires registration: HIMSS12 is the destination for thousands of like-minded healthcare executives, health IT professionals and clinicians who areRead… Read more »

NOAA Transitions to the Cloud

By Doug Krueger Originally posted on Federal Blue Print In response to the Office of Management and Budget’s directive that all agencies must move at least three services to the cloud by May 2012, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has officially completed its transition to a cloud-based Google email system. As the largestRead… Read more »

White House Calls Federal Agencies’ BLUF: Says Use Plain Language

The Plain Writing Act of 2010 called on federal agencies to simplify the language used in issuing rules and regulations. As a part of the Open Government movement, federal agencies were to use plain, common English in official correspondence rather than writing in government-speak – a language commonly known for using a dozen words whereRead… Read more »

Less Obvious Threat of Hidden Software – Software Records Keystrokes on Smartphones

The Public Eye with Eric Chabrow In a world where employees demand that they can access corporate networks via their mobile devices, news that software embedded in millions of Android smartphones can record every keystroke users make is troubling. What’s really scary, beyond the obvious, is the risk this hidden software poses to organizations tryingRead… Read more »

Giving Federal Workers the Gift of Mobility and Security

Authored by Bob Hansmann of Blue Coatand originally published on Blue Printblog. Remember a time when the office shut down for the holiday season, really meant that the office was shut down? When desktops and workstations sat idle and server lights barely blinked with the lack of network activity? Those days seem like a longRead… Read more »

Top 10 Books for Civilians Working with the Military

If you work in the defense industry or are looking to break into the defense business, a lack of military experience can be a major drawback. Fortunately, dozens of authors have come to your aid with books that can help you learn the ropes – and language – of your military colleagues. Read this articleRead… Read more »

Things Not to Do at Your Government Office Holiday Party

It’s that magical time of year, when lights are strewn, carols sang and way too many sugary treats are eaten. For most offices, it also means that some kind holiday party will be held. With cash short on hand in most government offices today, that means even more parties will be taking place right thereRead… Read more »

How to Tell It’s Time to Leave Your Current Contract

The world of contracting has its benefits, not the least of which is the option to try new opportunities and experience new challenges. Along with the benefits, however, are a few drawbacks. The most pressing, especially in these economic times, being the potential for contracts to come to an end, and sometimes rather quickly. StabilityRead… Read more »