Posts Tagged: Security

Getting an Entry-Level Security Clearance Job

A few tips, tricks and sympathy on breaking into the security cleared workforce, from one of our contributors: So, you want to get into the clearance world? As someone who has faced this challenge the past couple of years, I do not claim to have all the answers but I have observed a number ofRead… Read more »

2 Most Common Mistakes When Applying for a Security Clearance

At the recent National Classification Management Society Annual Chapter Seminar Laura Hickman, DISCO Director, shared the two most common mistakes applicants make when applying for a security clearance. Most of these rejections come from employees of small cleared facilities employers. And despite the fact that just over 18% of interim clearances are denied, ultimately theRead… Read more »

Lax Policies Keep Cyber Security Issues at Forefront

Originally Authored by Prem Iyer Posted to GovWinand Iron Bow TechSourceblogs In an earlier post, Preparing for the Fight, I discussed that most agencies are ill-prepared when it comes to protecting their assets against the latest cyber threats. This point was validated last month when the Government Accountability Office (GAO), as part of the FederalRead… Read more »

Will Government Agencies be ready for the Chromebook?

Originally Posted on Iron Bow Technologies Federal Blog, TechSource. Authored by Prem Iyer, Information Security Practice Director As with many new technologies the Chromebook is creating a surge of excitement among consumers. Users may be excited to get their hands on the new technology – but IT departments are dreading it. With the demand ofRead… Read more »

London Conference on Cyberspace

On 1-2 November, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office will be hosting the London Conference on Cyberspace ( The conference will cover a number of different themes including social benefits of the web, economic growth and development, safe and reliable access online, cyber crime and international security. It will be an opportunity for citizens toRead… Read more »

Facebook’s Top 10 for Government

At GovDelivery’s October 19th event in Washington, DC, 300 attendees received some valuable tips on Facebook usage by government agencies from Adam Conner, Associate Manager of Public Policy at Facebook. His engaging, fast-paced and helpful presentation included his top 10 “musts” for governments using Facebook to get their message out. Here’s a summary of thoseRead… Read more »

What’s Next for Your Career

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Specialist Are you trying to figure out your next career step? Many folks with higher level clearances just move into another job that requires the clearance because it’s easy. Those with lower-level clearances face more difficulties when they discover it does not automatically get them many opportunities. ButRead… Read more »

Are you a Gov IT Professional? Check out just launched as a go-to resource for any government IT professional involved in cybserSecurity. It’s main feature is an on-line assessment of cybersecurity skills to determine whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced, and it also has a broad variety of resources, ranging from “Cybersecurity for Dummies” to detailed technical papers on everyRead… Read more »

Is Your Office Getting a Bit…Cozier?

Office space isn’t what it used to be – many offices and most government agencies are tearing down the walls – literally – and placing workers in increasingly small, and less private, cube space. Is this the trend in your office? Do smaller offices make it easier to collaborate, or just make you more annoyedRead… Read more »

MEP Adds Former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff To Board of Advisors

9/28/2011 Chantilly, VA – Mission Essential Personnel, LLC (MEP) today announced that The Honorable Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has joined its Board of Advisors. Chertoff will contribute to the MEP growth strategy and strategic planning as the company continues to diversify. “It’s truly a professional honor and aRead… Read more »