Posts Tagged: Security

Should government employees “cool-off” before entering the contracting world?

A senate hearing earlier this week focused on Intelligence Community contracting presented several interesting thoughts. Most notably, a bi-partisan panel agreed with a CIA policy which prevents government employees from leaving the agency and immediately accepting contract work. Retirees are exempted. The whole idea is to prevent the “poaching” of the CIA’s top talent, whoRead… Read more »

Briefing on Capitol Hill: Sept. 23: “District Energy: Essential Infrastructure for Energy Efficient Communities”

If you’re in the D.C. area this Friday morning, September 23, please consider attending a free briefing given by the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI)from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. in Room 2325 of the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC. Admission is free. With Congress considering legislation for a national infrastructure bank orRead… Read more »

Social Media for the Security Cleared Job Seeker, Twitter

Social media is now a common means of communicating, doing business and supporting career search and development. But as with everything there is a huge divide between those who adopted technology early and most of the rest of us. I was reminded on a recent family visit that there is still healthy skepticism, suspicion andRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Do You Feel Safe At Work?

Even though it’s been ten years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, federal employees still feel weary when they go to work. The DC Earthquake was a prime example, as many worried that it was not an earthquake, but indeed another attack on a nearby building. This fear, however, has not kept federal employees out ofRead… Read more »

Fast and Furious Cleansing- by Joshua Jacobs

It seems well overdue but the head of the ATF and a pair of district attorneys have gotten the boot (call it resignations or a force out) after a Congressional investigation and appearances in front of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform finally forced the issue. It’s tough to avoid the story, again,Read… Read more »

Job Search Blunders: How to Fail Your Phone Interview

Direct from the recruiter’s mouth we have these top tips on how to screw up your phone interview. Follow them the next time you’re hoping not to get the job. 1. Call from the office you’re still working at. And be sure to mention how much you hate your current job. Nothing says dedicated employeeRead… Read more »

Your Post-Military Job: What You Can’t (And Can) Take With You

Knowing what you can’t, and can, take with you to your next job is incredibly important, especially when it comes to the military. Whether you realize it or not (I know it’s hard to stay awake through all of those preseparation counseling sessions) there may be restrictions concerning where you can work post military andRead… Read more »

Seven Management Imperatives: Imperative Five – Respond to the New Security Environmen

Government leaders and managers have a fundamental responsibility to protect citizens from security threats. The weapons and tactics employed in many of today’s security threats do not require the traditional armies of the past. Malicious groups of people, down to a hostile individual operating within the homeland, can acquire and employ commercially available technology toRead… Read more »

Stowaway: Drawing a line in the sand for Government agencies responsible for transportation security-

By Josh Jacobs Details continue to emerge from a story that broke at the end of June concerning a Nigerian American who bypassed three separate layers of airport security in New York and successfully flew to Los Angeles. It wasn’t until mid-flight that the suspect was asked to present his boarding pass and ID. AfterRead… Read more »

What does it take to be an intelligence analyst?

The intelligence community is getting a lot of attention these days. And with President Obama’s announcement of the Afghanistan draw-down timeline, the need for civilian intelligence experts will only increase. Breaking into the “business” can be tough – without prior military experience and a security clearance, it can be difficult to get your foot inRead… Read more »