Posts Tagged: Security

CB2: What TSA Can Learn From the Simpsons

Chris Bennett’s Crisis Blog (CB2) Part 1 of 2 on the TSA Debate The TSA pat-down situation is making national and GovLoop headlines this week as images of naked body scans and videos of screaming children being frisked circulate through millions of travelers and non-travelers alike. In today’s CB2 I’ll propose a partial solution toRead… Read more »

Privacy and Security Implications of Geo-Location Social Media Tools

Originally posted at Privacy and Security Implications of Geo-Location Social Media Tools 2010 November 12 tags: Facebook, fbplaces, Foursquare, geolocation, geotagging, internet privacy, internet security, privacy, security, Social Media by Sara Cohen Geo-location applications and technologies are quickly becoming the latest phenomenon in social media and information-sharing, due to the ease and speed withRead… Read more »

The Conversation on Radical Information Transparency and the Government continues

” . . . the national security apparatus is groaning under the weight of record amounts of classified information, not to mention the attendant material costs of protecting its secrets for longer and longer periods of time. To be sure, this is partly due to the fact that it’s collecting more intelligence than ever before,Read… Read more »

An ADDITIONAL Day Off With Pay For Social Security Employees

From GovExec: Social Security employees get bonus Thanksgiving holiday By Emily Long October 25, 2010 Social Security Administration employees this year will receive an extra day off to celebrate Thanksgiving, according to a report from Federal News Radio‘s Mike Causey. SSA Commissioner Michael Astrue told nonemergency employees they do not have to report to workRead… Read more »

Data demons – reflections from the FutureGov Summit, Malaysia

It was a privilege to be able to chair the FutureGov Summit and the FutureGov Awards, held over three content-rich days in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia last week (October 12-14). From my point of view, most of the discussions were about five aspects of the “how” of e-government and government ICT – I hope this indicatesRead… Read more »

Cyber Vetting for Security Clearances

The Electronic Freedom Foundation recently obtained information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding a June 2009 report of a study sponsored by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) on the use of Cyber Vetting for security clearance purposes. The study involved 349 test cases of intelligence agency applicants who consented toRead… Read more »

Privacy News Highlights – August 15th

Some top privacy news Biometrics US – U.S. Scans Afghan Inmates for Biometric Database Wired reports on the U.S. military’s new detention facility in Parwan, Afghanistan, as “an emerging datafarm” where all detainees brought to the facility are given medical exams and have their irises scanned and fingerprints taken to be stored in a militaryRead… Read more »

Christians In Government -Where Is The CrowdSourcing Tool We Need To Stop QURAN Burning?

We’ll I can only say that there is a lot for Christians to talk about today at the water cooler. Whether it’s the Islamic Center, or the ridiculous move to hold a public burning of the Koran, people of all Faith’s probably have a lot on their mind after last night’s interviews by Soledad O’Brien.Read… Read more »