Posts Tagged: Security

Refresh Your Resume Sweepstakes — Win a $500 AMEX Gift Card

If you are a security-cleared job seeker, participate in ClearedJobs.Net’s Refresh Your Resume Sweepstakes and you could win one of two $500 American Express Gift Cards we’ll be giving away. Winners are selected from candidates who refresh their resume or upload their resume on ClearedJobs.Net between June 30th and August 20th. All candidates must haveRead… Read more »

Growing national security apparatus highlights potential roadblocks to obtaining and keeping a security clearance.

A recent Washington Post article detailed what it cites as a top secret national intelligence infrastructure that has been steadily growing since September 11th, 2001. The Post highlights the fact that some 854,000 people hold top secret security clearances, nearly 1.5 times as many people that live in Washington D.C. itself. According to Tully RinckeyRead… Read more »

Help Wanted: U.S. Needs Cybersecurity Experts and Fast!

Our friends at Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) recently issued a study called “A Human Capital Crisis in Cybersecurity,” that highlights how the United States is facing a chronic shortage in the quality and quantity of its cybersecurity experts. As such, the nation unprepared to defend itself against increasingly sophisticated online attacks. TheRead… Read more »

Engaging Consumers in Cyber Security: It’s Up to You

In a perfect world, consumers recognize authentic emails from fake, update their operating system, browser and anti-virus software, and have a healthy skepticism about the safety of the Internet. The bad guys hate perfect, so we should be working with consumers to stop them. I deal with the ugly aftermath of one type of cybercrime,Read… Read more »

Share Your Cookies!

(This article is cross-posted from the IBM Center for the Business of Government Blog) I’ve written before that we don’t pay enough attention to privacy. There’s a lot of information about us all over the digital landscape, and powerful new aggregators are doing a brisk business by bringing all of that information together. Further, marketRead… Read more »

Cleared Job Seeker: “Face Time with Employers at Industry Job Fairs Is Invaluable”

One of the many security cleared job seekers attending today’s Cleared Job Fair, whom we’ll refer to as Ms. C, is currently employed yet exploring new opportunities for a Senior Logistics position. Her job search has, to date, been active for about a month or so. She learned of today’s Cleared Job Fair from anRead… Read more »

What is Privacy? 5 Common Sense Tips While Social Networking….

What exactly is considered private when it comes to social media and social networking? Since becoming involved in social media about a year and a half ago I have been a little astonished at what people share about themselves. MySpace has been the social networking website where both men and woman pushed the limits onRead… Read more »

The Kentucky State Police Are Finding Success Using Social Media

I love to read a news article on the web that highlights a law enforcement agency that is using social media and being successful at it. Some may say social media success for law enforcement has to be measured by arrests, crimes prevented or some numerical value. However, successful use of social media for lawRead… Read more »