Posts Tagged: shutdown

Building Resiliency During the Shutdown

Young Government Leaders (YGL) and GovLoop partnered today to talk about how to stay resilient during the shutdown. Miguel Aviles, Chair of the YGL Advisory Panel, and Michelle Rosa, the YGL National Leadership Team Officer, shared the impact of the shutdown on their lives as federal employees.

Debunking 5 *More* Misconceptions About Being a Government Worker During the Shutdown

A week ago, we debunked common misconceptions about being a federal government worker during the shutdown. That article has been shared on Facebook 34,000 times. It’s clear that a lot of people are anxious to understand what the shutdown means. Here are five more misconceptions about being a federal government worker during the shutdown.

How to Call Your Mortgage Company If You Are Caught up in the Partial Shutdown

I reached out to Eric Selk, Executive Director atĀ Hope Now, a non-profit alliance among counselors, mortgage companies, investors, regulators, and other mortgage market participants, to gather some tips for federal employees affected by the partial shutdown who might miss a mortgage payment due to not receiving a paycheck.