Posts Tagged: SNAP

How GIS Works to Combat Fraud

GIS technology can be used to help address fraud, waste and abuse in several different ways. Organizations benefit from closely examining location-based factors to identify hot spots, regional variations and clusters, such as co-locations of services. Then, real-time data analysis shows spatial trends that inform predictions about future needs and issues — or, in this… Read more »

Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government: Health and Human Services

Post Highlights GovLoop releases new report: Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government GIS offers benefits to those looking to improve social services, public health, and urban renewal GIS helps better understand a problem’s context, make better informed decisions, and to collaborate across agencies in implementing solutions The GovLoop report, Identifying the Promise of GISRead… Read more »

Fraud of the Day

What would your agency do with $100 million dollars or even tens of thousands more? Agency funds are lost to fraud every day. The Fraud of the Day forum highlights real stories and what you need to know to help fight fraud. Visit the forum to learn more and sign up to receive dailyRead… Read more »

Fraud of the Day

What would your agency do with $100 million dollars or even tens of thousands more? Agency funds are lost to fraud every day. The Fraud of the Day forum highlights real stories and what you need to know to help fight fraud. Visit the forum to learn more and sign up to receive dailyRead… Read more »

Fraud of the Day

What would your agency do with $100 million dollars or even tens of thousands more? Agency funds are lost to fraud every day. The Fraud of the Day forum highlights real stories and what you need to know to help fight fraud. Visit the forum to learn more and sign up to receive dailyRead… Read more »