How to Lay the Foundation for Long-Term AI Success
Even as agencies focus on short-term AI projects, they can start thinking about more strategic objectives, says Snowflake’s Winston Change.
Even as agencies focus on short-term AI projects, they can start thinking about more strategic objectives, says Snowflake’s Winston Change.
You can’t have an AI strategy without a data strategy, says Matthew Rose of Snowflake. To be ready for AI, you need an ecosystem for data.
Agencies need flexible technology that works in concert with their employees, helping them perform well without being caught up in the tech itself, and they need a workforce willing to learn and adapt.
The three core pillars of data transformation are people, processes and technology. Here are some pointers on how each can contribute.
If an agency wants to transform how it uses data, it needs to reimagine three core pillars of its data ecosystem: people, processes and technology.
You can’t apply AI to your data until you’ve taken care of some fundaments of data governance and hygiene. Here are some tips on how to get ready.
There are three core pillars to data transformation: people, processes and technology. You need to pay attention to all three.
Innovations like cloud platforms and Software-as-a-Service help government agencies make the best use of their data.
Your data has a time value, whether you’ve explicitly acknowledged it or not.
Here are four ways agencies at any level can improve the quality of the data used in making their decisions.