Posts Tagged: SOA

Improving Data Quality: Empowering Decision-Makers with Meaningful Information

Today’s leaders rely heavily on data-driven decision making to solve complex problems that have a direct impact on their businesses and their missions. Stakeholder concerns regarding the successful operation of their organization typically revolve around so much more than just data quality that it’s oftentimes overlooked. In reality, data quality is one of the most… Read more »

Modern Warfighter full motion video and UAS surveillance

Modern Warfighter full motion video and UAS surveillance, by Donna L. Quesinberry FMV (full motion video) provides infantrymen and women with enhanced capabilities in-theater under ubiquitous conditions during the monitor of urban or rural areas or while attempting to alert, intercept and eliminate hostile elements in a secured zone. Presently, FMV is half-way through itsRead… Read more »

Role of SoA in Government Tax operations = Real revenue for states

Service Oriented Architecture is often touted as a mechanism to improve business performance, but is often limited in its effect to improvements in IT architecture. However, the DC Office of Tax and Revenue is showing how SoA, and specifically leveraging the Enterprise Service Bus architecture can lead to real revenue growth for state and localRead… Read more »

Getting it all to the Table

Most decision makers I’ve met in the Department of Defense appreciate having someone hand them good insight or solid context that pertains to a decision that they need to make – provided the insight or context comes in a timely manner. Getting information to a decision maker after the decision has been made can actuallyRead… Read more »

Mashups, SOA and Cloud Computing

It’s almost impossible to be around technology people for very long before one of them uses the words “Mashup,” “SOA” or “Cloud Computing.” When this happens to me, I usually smile and spend at least some of the time wondering why the audio portion of my brain disconnected again. Maybe it’s distracted by my visualRead… Read more »

Great DHS SOA/ESB/NIEM Topic to Follow at the Upcoming NIEM Training Event

Look for this very important NIEM topic at the upcoming NIEM Training event: “Implementing NIEM as a Canonical Model for Information Sharing at DHS/USCIS”. This presentation will be given by Hector Alicea, HLA & Associates, LLC ( ) on behalf of DHS USCIS… From the NIEM Training Event agenda ( ): “This presentationRead… Read more »

Australian Federal Government Announces IT Innovation Council

Today the Hon Kim Carr Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, annouced the 24 members of the new IT Innovation Council. -quote from media release- “IT will be the principal means to deliver the economic and productivity growth needed to drive innovation across the entire economy,“ Senator Carr said. “IT is critical to Australia’sRead… Read more »