Posts Tagged: social media

These County Governments Deliver Non-Stop Action

Whenever I think of county government, an annoying ear-worm of a song pops into my head. Backed by a twangy hoedown tune at odds with the county’s New York suburban character, the TV commercial for the Westchester County Fair sang promises of “Rides and attractions! Non-stop action! Shows! Animals! Fireworks, too!” Hokey summertime county fairs were my firstRead… Read more »

8 (Cold, Hard) Truths about Social Media

I am an idealist at heart, but I also pride myself on being a pragmatist and strive to provide guidance that enables individuals and organizations to achieve their goals and objectives in the most efficient and effective ways possible. When it comes to social and digital technologies in particular, although I do believe, I’m notRead… Read more »

Social Media Speak: How to Avoid an Instagram Faux Pas

By Emily Grenen Increasingly, Instagram is becoming a popular platform to connect and engage with new audiences. Unlike other domains – article commentary, obligatory birthday wall posts, and lengthy status updates are (almost) done away with. With Instagram, you’re focused on photos that anyone with the app can create, right from their smartphone. The platformRead… Read more »

6 Lessons Game of Thrones Can Teach You About Building Social Influence

It’s been a wild ride on Game of Thrones. When season 5 premiers on April 12, 2015, fans will anxiously watch leaders rise and fall, armies gather in force, and characters—some beloved, some despised—face untimely demise in a relentless battle between noble houses for the kingdom’s throne. You might be surprised at all you can learn about building social influenceRead… Read more »

How to Build an Active Community of Support on Facebook

By Jessica Havlak While working in what I’ll call the “white hat sector,” it can be a challenge to reach individuals with your message when they are almost as inclined to listen to their friends and family as they are to clinicians. Use this trust of peers to your advantage: engage them in a communityRead… Read more »

Synchronize Email With Your Other Marketing Channels

While email continues to rule the digital communication space [ADD STATISTIC HERE], marketers cannot afford to ignore the growing popularity of social channels as an opportunity to further the connection with their audience. Learn how to use other communication channels to increase your email reach and vice-versa.