Posts Tagged: social

An EPA social media success: ongoing participatory photo project

I get asked regularly for successful examples of using social media, so here’s one. Forty years ago, EPA hired photographers to capture our world, with a special focus on environmental issues. That was the Documerica project. For the past two years, EPA has invited everyone around the world to repeat that effort, sharing photos withRead… Read more »

Talk to Me: Dr. Ted R. Smith on Engaging Citizens through Established Conversations

On April 17th, Chris Dorobek was joined by a panel of professionals to talk citizen engagement on this month’s DorobekINSIDER LIVE. In the conversation with Dr. Ted R. Smith Chief Innovation Officer, Louisville Metro Economic Growth & Innovation, they discussed how the issue is not starting a conversation with the public, but rather having agenciesRead… Read more »

Eight Conversations Your Customers Want to Have With Your Brand

This post originally appeared on my external blog, Social Media Strategery. While it’s focused on private sector brands, these ideas can easily be applied to public sector entities as well. My last post criticized the content that a lot of brands share via social media – the incessant begging for likes and shares, the linkbaiting,Read… Read more »

Five Twitter Best Practices (Infographic) and “Twitter Political Hall of Fame (Shame?)”

Do you experience “Twitter mania” or have withdrawal symptoms when you’re not tweeting? So many social media users appear to be as addicted to Twitter as to their daily dose of java. However, do you know Twitter best practices? Have any of your followers “flown the coop”? What are your best practices on Twitter andRead… Read more »

Considerations for the Digital Public Information Officer (PIO)

This topic has come up time and time again here on GovLoop and I felt it was time to revisit the greater discussion involving use of social/new/2.0/3.0/etc technology for the purposes of emergency response, recovery, mitigation, citizen engagement, and so forth through the optic of the PIO. To this end, an entire world-wide group ofRead… Read more »

Customers Don’t Want Ads, They Want a Conversation…Just Not the Conversations You Want to Have

Fast Company just published another article discussing how customers are no longer satisfied just with good products and services or low prices – they want collaboration and conversation from brands. In another Fast Company article from January, they state that “brands, marketers believe, ought to start acting less like things and more like people, andRead… Read more »

Ginny Redish Web Writing Presentation (Pittsburgh, PA)

Purposes, Personas, Conversations – Practical Techniques for Everything You Create April 15, 2013 – 7:00 PM – Pittsburgh, PA One of the most important contributions of technical writing has been the realization that everything we write is part of a conversation between author and reader. And as we have all moved from paper to screen,Read… Read more »

Social Media Lessons from a Two-Year Old

What a difference a few years can make. For the last few months, I think I’ve spent more time talking people out of using social media than talking them into it. The pendulum has swung the other way, especially in the marketing industry. Everyone wants to be everywhere. Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter Facebook, Vine, Foursquare, KloutRead… Read more »

Sequestration & Social Media

Well, sequestration is in our midst and there isn’t much that we can do about it. By now I’m sure you all have heard the many consequences sequestration will likely bring: Furloughs, longer lines at the airport, prison lockdowns higher risks of terrorism, women and children taken off of WIC… canceled white house tours! Well,Read… Read more »