Posts Tagged: social

How Will the Rise of Social Business Facilitate How We Manage Change Better?

Reposted from original entry located on the IBM Government Consulting Perspectives Blog: Just a week or so ago, the IBM Connect 2013 Conference was kicked off by IBM’s General Manager for Social Business, Alistair Rennie. In front of thousands of thought leaders from around the globe, he marked the beginning of a journey that manyRead… Read more »

Government and Social Media: How Agencies Communicate with Hispanics via Facebook

Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. In today’s blog on Government communication with Hispanics via Facebook, we will look at three main things; (1) which Facebook tabs are popular, (2) how many tabs do US Government agencies use, and (3) do these Spanish-language pages use third-party applications to post. For those of youRead… Read more »

Facebook Graph Search and the Variables: There’s a Difference Between “Like” and “like”

Since Graph Search was announced by Facebook, bloggers and digital nerds have been singing its praises and aggressively speculating on what other search engines/sites this new tool will take down (Google watch out! Yelp you’re going down! FourSquare don’t even think about it!). Through the buzz, I have remained cautious, and then I came acrossRead… Read more »

The Value of Visual in Digital

If 2012 digital experiences could be summed up in one word, it would be this: visual. Pinterest—a platform that allows users to pin images onto collage boards—set the pace for social media channel growth with a four-digit increase in unique visitors in 2012. Despite the backlash from users over Instagram’s proposed change in terms ofRead… Read more »

How Social are Spanish-language Government Facebook Pages?

Blog series originally posted at DK Web Consulting. Introduction With traditional marketing taking a backseat to digital for many companies, the way government communicates with the public is shifting too. Government agencies are taking cues from the private sector and turning to social media to reach the public. In this report, we review in detailRead… Read more »

Coast to Coast: A Difference from East to West?

Everyone knows about the surfer dude. The constant “yeah mans” and “yeah bro” are phrases associated with only one person of one coast? Can’t be the east, because dignified lobbyists are speaking with much refined tongues, and strict guards on their vocabulary. However, when it comes to the different sides of the country, are weRead… Read more »

Let’s Give Them Something To Talk About – Role of Social Media Going Forward? #connectedgov

Twitter, facebook, instagram, googleplus — all these tools and more have been around for a few years. But many government agencies are still slow to see their value. We’re not saying there aren’t real pockets of innovation. But on the whole government is slow. Why is that? The Partnership for Public Service and Booz AllenRead… Read more »

The Learners vs. The Learned: Which one are you in 2013?

Read more at Connect on Twitter @ drbillbrennan The Learners vs. The Learned: Which one are you in 2013? This past summer I had the very fortunate opportunity (with my good friend and colleague @triciainter) to spend two days with the fine people of Miles College talking about Leadership and Learning in an AgeRead… Read more »