Posts Tagged: social

Using Social Media for Recruiting – For Government Employees

Social media has changed the world of recruiting. Never before have federal agencies had such access to top talent. At our next DigitalGov University webinar Using Social Media for Recruitment you can learn how to use these tools to maximize your recruitment outreach and put your messages in front of the widest audience of qualifiedRead… Read more »

Start Your Community With Role Models, Not Influencers

I just finished reading this article in last month’s Fast Company where the CEO of Pinterest, Ben Silbermann, discusses how Pinterest got started, where it’s at today, and what its future may hold. In it, they highlight some of the ways in which Pinterest defied best practices when they first started – they didn’t includeRead… Read more »

Bridging the Gap – Government Agencies and the Average Joe

The Open Government Initiative set forth by the Obama Administration in 2009 requires Federal agencies to take immediate steps to achieve milestones in transparency, participation, and citizen collaboration. Most Federal, state, and local organizations have jumped on the social media bandwagon as a tool for communicating with citizens and making their agency’s goals transparent. However,Read… Read more »

It’s Who You Know

Have a quality website, active social media presence, but still not reeling in the kind of customers or clients you want? The world of marketing and networking may have changed, but one thing is the same — it’s all about who you know. Reaching out to people still takes a little finesse even if itRead… Read more »

Say Goodbye to Press Releases — The New Model for Gov Communication

In May, the White House officially released a new strategy to update federal government communication: The Digital Government Strategy. Federal Chief Technology Officer Todd Park says with the new strategy, “Open data will be the new default. On top of that the data should be public when possible. And finally, the data should be availableRead… Read more »

United We Ride — Streamlining Transportation with Inter-Agency Collaboration

Did you know that the federal government funds more than 80 programs that gives transportation assistance to low income families, seniors, children and people with disabilities? That’s a lot of programs for the public to navigate and the government to keep track of. In 2004, President Bush signed an Executive Order to address the problem.Read… Read more »

IdeaFactory – Does crowdsourcing ideas work? Take a look at TSA’s program – Part 2

We’ve probably all seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The movie showcases imagination, creativity and the freedom to try new things and experiment. That’s the same idea as the TSA’s IdeaFactory. The 5-year-old program was one of the first true government 2.0 technologies. Megan Kenny is the Acting Program Manager for the Office of TrainingRead… Read more »

Tweeting Disease — How MappyHealth Predicts Outbreaks

Can Twitter predict disease outbreaks? That’s the question the makers behind MappyHealth wanted to discover. MappyHealth mines twitter data looking for health term trends. The app tracks disease terms and associated qualifiers to present these social trends. Brian Norris is the Co-Founder of MappyHealth. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that, “we haveRead… Read more »

Online Training: 5 Takeaways from a Social Learning Experiment

This summer, GovLoop hosted its first ever multi-week social online training, called “Your Path to Leadership: Mastering Core Competencies to Get Ahead in Government.” The course examined 10 traits of a great leader, each of which corresponded to one of the Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) of the Senior Executive Service (SES). The course consisted ofRead… Read more »

Stop Being an Unpaid Part of Facebook Ad Campaigns

Blog originally posted at Social Media Spanish. Recently I have seen more and more discussion about people feeling very uncomfortable with Facebook using their name and image on social ads. I wrote about this last year on the dangers of showing up on Pepto Bismol’s next ad for a chimichanga antidote. People online are becomingRead… Read more »