Posts Tagged: social

Lessons Learned: Crisis Communications Online

Over the years, I’ve had the honor of either directly running or managing the people running EPA websites responding to various crises: 9/11 (that happened one month after I joined public affairs) Columbia Shuttle Accident Hurricane Katrina BP Oil Spill Radiation coming to the U.S. from the release of material from Japanese nuclear reactors followingRead… Read more »

When does organised action turn into ‘gaming the system’ in online engagements?

It can be difficult to define the line at which organised responses to an online consultation or engagement change from being legitimate activity by an interest group to ‘gaming’ the system to influence the outcome. For that matter it can be just as difficult in a paper-based or face-to-face process. Just who does a lobbyRead… Read more »

Voter Registration Moving to Facebook?

In the state of Washington, the Seattle Times has reported that voters will soon be able to register to vote using a new Facebook application. Currently, twelve states, including Washington, offer online voter registration. This move by Washington to social media, however, is the first. This application could quickly spread to other states already utilizingRead… Read more »

New Delhi Traffic Police Benefit from Facebook Collaboration

Software that is accessible by a large number of people often produces unexpected benefits due to its inherently collaborative nature. In New Delhi, overburdened traffic police have gained an incredibly cost-effective method of catching traffic violators. Thanks to New Delhi drivers who snap pictures of offenders and post them to the traffic police’s official FacebookRead… Read more »

Google+ Fosters Collaboration

What does Google+ have to offer the public sector that Facebook doesn’t? As a social network, Facebook currently dominates the social media arena with over 750 million users compared to Google+’s 43 million. However, there is a key design difference between the two sites that may benefit the public sector in the long term. ThisRead… Read more »

EXCEL 2012: July 31-Aug. 2, Dallas: Expert Training on EEO, ADR, Diversity Management

15th Annual EEOC EXCEL 2012 Examining Conflicts In Employment Laws (EXCEL) *** July 31 – Aug. 2 *** Dallas – Sheraton Hotel How much do you know about and understand equal employment opportunity (EEO) and diversity/inclusion within the Federal workforce? Do you know how to effectively manage and work with all employees regardless ofRead… Read more »

Facebook usage: a local perspective

Continued from last time… In my previous post, I explained that I’m trying to gather data on the number of social media users within a geographic area. I’m basically attempting to answer the question: “what is the actual take-up of social media in Hampshire?” (which is where I live and work). All change The OfcomRead… Read more »

FanBridge Ecosystem innovates Facebook Pages

A static Facebook page is the equivalent of a blank slate; dull, but still full of promise. Custom app development has allowed companies to inject excitement into their Facebook pages. However, apps require technical savvy and a considerable amount of time in the development stage. Apps also require excellent virtual real estate. Even the mostRead… Read more »

A Politician’s Guide to Social Media

With campaign season in full swing, this video is for public officials and political office candidates. In “A Politician’s Guide to Social Media”, Kristy shares several tips on using social media in the political space. She mentions former Rep. Andrew Weiner, Troy Mayor Janice Daniels, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Politwoops and more. Get your ownRead… Read more »