Posts Tagged: social

Facebook’s Top 10 for Government

At GovDelivery’s October 19th event in Washington, DC, 300 attendees received some valuable tips on Facebook usage by government agencies from Adam Conner, Associate Manager of Public Policy at Facebook. His engaging, fast-paced and helpful presentation included his top 10 “musts” for governments using Facebook to get their message out. Here’s a summary of thoseRead… Read more »

Your Fear of Social Media-Don’t Stick Your Neck Out

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Fifth and final article on the fear some people in government, associations and nonprofits express when whey contemplate social media. In the first article I stated, “Media respects those who do social media. They like your willingness to engage. They sometimes are willing to give you the benefit of doubt because you are obviouslyRead… Read more »

Where do you think Social Government should go ?

In many ways, Government is as skilled or even leading private industry in applying social technologies to transform itself. Government already makes heavy use of social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook to communicate with constituents and is pushing into new spaces with efforts to better communicate during emergencies or to facilitate reporting ofRead… Read more »

Your Fear of Social Media—Your Older Target Audience is Within Reach

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Part four on the fear some people in government, associations and nonprofits express when whey contemplate social media. Entering social media now is like having an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of Google or Apple. If you knew it was going to become a worthwhile investment, you would have bought. SocialRead… Read more »

Half of Americans are watching internet video. It needs to be part of your on-line strategy.

Http://LeonardSipes.Com There are endless reports about the ever increasing presence of video in our digital world. Another from Nielsen is below. The truly amazing thing is the presence of YouTube and the ability of having a free hosting source for your video products. All you have to do is create and link to YouTube fromRead… Read more »

Online with multiple parts of your identity

I made the point at the Govloop conference on last Wednesday that unlike the model of Facebook that people have one singular identity online I, as other social scientists, predicate on the idea that individuals have lives in which we have a variety of identities. By identity I mean the way that each person understandingsRead… Read more »

Your Fear of Social Media—I Don’t Have the Staff or Money

Http://LeonardSipes.Com Third in a series on the fear some people in government, associations and nonprofits express when whey contemplate social media. I listened to one of my social media podcasts where they were discussing the fact that tech-related conferences were filled to the brim with new exhibitors. When asked why, they all agreed that theRead… Read more »

How governments can use social media to better prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies

Hi All, Thought you might be interested to see this presentation by the Emergency 2.0 Wiki project on how governments can use social media to help their agencies, employees and customers better prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies. We presented it at the recent Smart Government Conference in Canberra, Australia. We would beRead… Read more »