Posts Tagged: social

Don’t Go It Alone…You’re Not a Social Media Superstar

One of things you hear over and over is the concern about managing a Twitter account or a Facebook account and how do you deal with the influx of all those questions and comments. In many cases, the fear of not having time to actively respond is so great that it results in scaring agenciesRead… Read more »

Running a Council Twitter stream

It’s terrifying. There. I said it. Judge all you like, if you’ve ever run one yourself. Have you? Or have you just sat there in your comfortable ergonomic chair in your comfortable study in your comfortable house sniping at everyone else getting it wrong? Because I hold my hand up freely – I was inRead… Read more »

Your Fear of Social Media—It’s Too Hard to Understand

Your Fear of Social Media—It’s Too Hard to Understand Http://LeonardSipes.Com First in a series on the fear some people in government, associations and nonprofits express when whey contemplate social media. People exchange information and photos in all sorts of informal groups. You learn from friends and associates their preferences, likes and dislikes. Social media isRead… Read more »

The challenge for government: Why it’s important to know how people learn about their community

Information is power. Actually, there is no power in information but in who creates it and controls it. That’s the power of information –how it’s used. Did you know that local TV news is still the most popular source for local information in America? However, adults rely on it primarily for just three subjects: weather,Read… Read more »

Social Media: Resources for Beginners

I was just asked “should I take this class on social media.” Here’s my somewhat complex answer to what seems like a simple question. Like any new field, learning how to use social media well isn’t a matter of taking one class, but rather of learning a variety of skills and mental models, and thenRead… Read more »

Social Media for the Security Cleared Job Seeker, Twitter

Social media is now a common means of communicating, doing business and supporting career search and development. But as with everything there is a huge divide between those who adopted technology early and most of the rest of us. I was reminded on a recent family visit that there is still healthy skepticism, suspicion andRead… Read more »

Why face-to-face events about digital communications are important

With increased budget pressures and constraints on our schedules with expanding workloads, finding time to attend a face-to-face event is difficult. Not that there are many face-to-face events anymore: studies show that 60% of US marketers are planning to increase their spend on virtual events while 42% plan to decrease their spend around physical eventsRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – September 16, 2011

6th edition of state-by-state Open Government Guide (HT NFOIC) How’d your state do? How do you think it could be improved? Social Media as a Credible News Source? “Still a little ooky about social media? Well, believe it or not, social media is a major element of news nowadays.” This talks specifically about social media,Read… Read more »