Posts Tagged: social

30 Second Commercial for “DC Public Safety” Television The Mayor’s Office on Cable Television (MOCT) created a commercial for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency’s “DC Public Safety” television series in the summer of 2011 (see link above). It was distributed to 60 cable outlets. The DC Mayor’s Office of Cable TV (MOCT) films “DC Public Safety” for the Court ServicesRead… Read more »

Web/Social Media Metrics Reports: Hurricane Irene and Major Flooding

It’s been an eventful few weeks in my neck of the woods. Let’s recap: 1.) Aug. 19: Thousands of motorcycle riders paid tribute to 9/11 with a massive ride through Northern Virginia, including Fairfax Co., causing major communications needs for commuters. 2.) Aug. 23: A once-in-a-lifetime earthquake strikes and rattles Virginia. 3.) Aug. 25-29: HurricaneRead… Read more »

International and hyperlocal – taking the message to market

Occasionally, I’m asked to do presentations and discuss what the Foreign Office does, digitally speaking. The fact I never get asked twice by the same people is something I prefer to gloss over. What I try and get across in these explanations of strategy is that if we’re trying to communicate, we have to takeRead… Read more »

Contractors Use Webinars, Social Media To Extend Their Voices

I originally published on GovWin Communication is an important aspect of any business, but how do new media tools affect government contractors seeking to team with others? In addition to social media tools like LinkedIn and Twitter, there are additional tools like company blogs and webinars that all play a part in extending the voiceRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – August 19, 2011

“Opening government, the Chicago way” “Interviews with Chicago journalists and open government advocates, along with Tolva and Goldstein themselves, led me to a clear conclusion: there’s something new going on in the Windy City that’s worth sharing with the rest of the country and world.” (O’Reilly radar) “Department of Veterans Affairs releases progressive, structured socialRead… Read more »

Social Networks New Territory for Terrorism- By Joshua Jacobs

This shouldn’t be considered a new idea or story by any stretch of the imagination but social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and the newly launched Google+ are becoming increasingly popular frontiers for terrorist organizations. Classic cyberterrorism has always been associated with the large-scale disruption of computer networks and certain targeted websites being affected byRead… Read more »

How Government Agencies can Use Facebook to Connect with Spanish-Speakers in the U.S. – Part 1

US Latinos, 50.5 million and growing rapidly, use the Internet, social media, and mobile at greater rates than the overall US population and are very enthusiastic about using online tools to receive government information. According to The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), 30 million Latinos were online in 2010, representing 59.5% of the total Hispanic populationRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Streamlining Data with Analytics

This week’s Project of the Week is brought to you by one of GovLoop’s 2011 Major Partners, IBM. As the year continues they will be present on GovLoop to help you with any Analytics questions you may have. Dr. GovLoop recently caught up with Frank Stein of the Analytics Solution Center at IBM about howRead… Read more »

Social Media and Recruiting 101: Overview and Recommendations

There is a lot of confusion and concern over the growing practice of reviewing job candidates’ social media activity during recruitment and selection. Targeted to social recruiting rookies (both individuals and employers), the latest SMinOrgs blog post provides an overview of how people’s digital activity can and should be considered during the hiring process. QuestionsRead… Read more »

Tonight on #localgovchat: Healthy Social Media Communities Need Politician and Government Voices

Quick thoughts on tonight’s discussion: There are the politicians and there is the government. There is a distinct separation. Government social media accounts should promote and support services. The politician accounts should be used to support the special initiatives and agendas. Government and services are continuous. Initiatives and agendas have (or should have) a clearRead… Read more »