Posts Tagged: social

Applying the New Capitalist Manifesto to Open Government

The original version of this post can be found at acidlabs. Any comments you wish to make would be appreciated there. As a part of the research work I’m doing for my book, I’m reading radical economist, Umair Haque’s, The New Capitalist Manifesto. In it, Haque posits a set of Laws for the 21st CenturyRead… Read more »

Personal Branding and Your Online Reputation

Personal branding The idea of personal branding has gained popularity in the last couple of years. It seems to mainly be used to refer to one’s online identity—meaning, mostly, what hits come up if someone Googles your name. Like product branding, the personal brand includes a number of values and ideas. It includes what peopleRead… Read more »

e-GOTV. Is it Real? Digital Strategies for e-Political Campaigning

Is e-GOTV a reality? What politicians, municipalities, or government agencies are doing it best? Last year, Ingrid Koehler wrote about Paden Noble’s work for Newark, New Jersey Central Ward Councilman, Darrin Sharif, in her piece “Social beats cash: a local campaign case study”. We appreciate that she credits us with the first use of Foursquare,Read… Read more »

The Paradox of Pilots

As many organizations in business and government try to capture some of the magic created by network communication, they often and understandably formulate strategies beginning with “pilots.” “Pilots” are a paradox. When it comes to creating networks for customers, partners, and employees or citizens, designation of “pilot” status—by definition an experiment—can doom a project toRead… Read more »

Social Networking: Share Your Thoughts, Win Up To $100

My survey represents a chance to express your opinion of how social media tools serve our workplace. All participants can enter a drawing for a $100, $50 and multiple $10 Amazon gift cards!! You can provide the foundation for measurement of social networking concepts as they relate to individual perception of performance. But your responseRead… Read more »

Understanding Social Media

I have added a new first step to my strategic social media engagement process. It involves educating key senior stakeholders within your government organization as to what social media actually consists of. Without this, I am convinced that your journey towards successful use of the digital space will be unnecessarily difficult. Put simply, you needRead… Read more »

The problem with social media: Don’t believe the hype

You’ve got your new website. You’re using Twitter and Facebook to “engage” with residents. Your community has access to all the latest news and information as it happens. The channel shift savings are predicted to be huge…So why isn’t it working? Don’t let the hype surrounding Social Media convince you this is an effective wayRead… Read more »

Cory Booker is a Hero, But Could He Have Done More?

Cory Booker (@corybooker), the mayor of Newark, NJ made headlines recently with his heroic efforts to rescue residents from Snowpocalypse one tweet at a time. Whether its delivery diapers, shoveling entryways, or sending snowplows, he stepped out of bureaucracy to come across as a real, caring human being anxious to aid during a time ofRead… Read more »

The Department of Defense gained a social media beachhead in 2010

There is no question that 2010 will go down as the year that social media became a normal part of the communications arsenal for the Department of Defense. The year began with a withering battle raging over embracing the medium at all and finished with its near wholesale adoption across the department. While still aRead… Read more »