Posts Tagged: social

The importance of conference rapport

I have, to date, spoken at some two dozen seminars, conferences, panels or other public events where the audience is not my coworkers. Not bragging, just saying that I’ve been to a few. Enough, I hope, to give an observation without having the more seasoned public speakers of the world laugh too hard. I knowRead… Read more »

The Gospel of Gov 2.0

Leading government into the land of wikis, blogs and social media isn’t easy….an article by Jill R. Aitoro that recently appeared in the October issue of Government Executive is right on target. In the face of the staggering statistics on the number of people on the web and the incredible potential to “crowd-source” ideas (insteadRead… Read more »

Governments’ success with new social media depends on success with old engagement methods

[Note this is a cross post from my blog, the original (with links & images) can be found here.] Transparency, open government, e-government, Gov 2.0 are all terms to describe government’s new relationship with citizens in the age of the Internet, particularly using the social media technology solutions of Web 2.0. Many believe in itsRead… Read more »

Best Practices: U.S. Army using MySpace to recruit soldiers

By: Michael O’Dell In the world of social media recruiting, you hear a lot about the big three recruiting tools. These three are Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Often times, MySpace is completely overlooked as a source of recruitment leads. Many recruiters say the MySpace demographic is less professional. They say the medium is “too messy”Read… Read more »

iPad & Gov 2.0

Picking up on Apple’s iPad video and Steve Job’s comments about holding the internet in the palm of your hand, what should Gov 2.0 applications – how we access government data and the Gov 2.0 ‘world’ look like? I openly admit my bias – have been around Macs since the year dot. But surely theRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Jobs, Moves, and Opportunities

This post originally appeared on my external blog,“Social Media Strategery.” Inspired by Jeremiah Owyang’s excellent “On the Move” series of blog postings meant to track and congratulate folks who get promoted, move, or accept new exciting positions in the social media community, I wanted to to start this semi-regular (maybe once every other month?) postRead… Read more »

Game On! Loudoun Economic Development Committee: New Social Media Subcommittee

The initial planning session was held yesterday at the Loudoun National Conference Center for the new Loudoun-centric “Social Media Subcommittee”, an initiative of the Loudoun Economic Development Commission’s “Marketing and Business Retention” Committee. (Announced here at Gateway to Loudoun) This public/private grassroots initiative will focus on engaging the Loudoun economic development stakeholders on the Internet,Read… Read more »

Effective Risk Management is the driver for Social Software adoption

I hear a lot of conversation about the barriers around social software, social media and similar tools. The most common ones i hear apart from “we can’t access the stuff” are “Risk”, “Information Security” and “FOI”. All of these are critical views to take on board when looking into social software whether you are lookingRead… Read more »

New TV Show-Police, Parole and Probation Cooperation to Supervise Criminal Offenders-DC Public Safety

See (television). “Police, Parole and Probation Cooperation” provides an overview of inter agency cooperation between the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) and the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of Washington, D.C. CSOSA partners with MPD and other law enforcement agencies and adjacent states on a wide variety of public safety initiatives. Both agenciesRead… Read more »

WHAT and HOW We Say It Matters

How and when and where leaders communicate continues to be in the midst of transformation. It seems we’re always on the air in some way. Have you noticed? It is evolving as the whole landscape for leadership changes —involving all of us; stretching across cultures and many dimensions of difference at a breakneck speed. EachRead… Read more »