Posts Tagged: social

Shooting and Blizzard Show the Potential of Social Media in a Crisis

Social media channels are powerful communication tools normally but when incorporated into your crisis action plan they can add a valuable weapon to the government public affairs arsenal. Two recent events on Army installations with very different results demonstrated this clearly. The reviews aren’t close to being done on all the things that went rightRead… Read more »

For the Canadian Federal Government…some social media catch up suggestions for 2010

Ok Canadian federal government…it is starting to look a little bleak on the social media landscape from a leadership perspective. And I certainly don’t mean that dedicated, bright, and to a certain degree brave set of leaders who have been eschewing the value of social media in government for some time now. I am talkingRead… Read more »

Will social media deliver on enterprise collaboration in 2010?

As the end-year reviews and new-year predictions and resolutions arrive in my inbox, I have been thinking about what has been the biggest impact or change in the collaboration arena. The biggest change I find is that the differentiation between social media software and collaboration applications has almost disappeared from the positioning messages. Traditional CollaborationRead… Read more »

Measuring Relationships From Social Media

I had an opportunity to meet Katie D Paine on July 22nd at an Open Government and Innovation conference in DC. Katie specializes in public relations and measuring their effectiveness. Her commanding presence underscored her depth of knowledge, and her open and friendly demeanor in a one-on-one situation proved to me that she practices whatRead… Read more »

Social Media–Cause they’re already bad mouthing you anyway

I think one of the most compelling arguments to engage in the social media world for government public relations folks simply lies in being part of the conversation that is occurring already. This has always been obvious to me but it really came to mind while I attended the Department of Defense All Services SocialRead… Read more »

U.S. Department of State Launches Second Annual ExchangesConnect Video Contest to Amplify U.S. Public Diplomacy: “Change Your Climate, Change Our World”

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton launched the Department of State’s second annual ExchangesConnect Video Contest, “Change Your Climate, Change Our World,” with a video message on the ExchangesConnect social network on November 17. Find more videos like this on ExchangesConnect The ExchangesConnect Video Contest is a call to action for global citizens around theRead… Read more »

Lakewood Police Shootings Illustrate More Reasons for Locally Elected Officials to Learn Communication Tools

There are still plenty of locally elected folks, particularly those for whom elected office is not their ‘day job,’ who are ignoring new communications tools. So here’s a story that might help you change their minds. I thought I knew the potential of those tools … and then last Sunday, four police officers in myRead… Read more »

DAUNTING CHALLENGES: Cultural Change | Paradigm Shifts

Recently on Twitter, a IT senior leader mentioned how daunting making change is today in any global enterprise. He invited me to share my views on leading cultural change and paradigm shifts based on the changes in progress in Enterprise Computing. It was impossible to respond in 140 characters :-), but I wrote a fewRead… Read more »

Now PR & Social Commerce.

Are you getting the buzz on the street real-time from Social Context? I propose to my fellow GovLoopers, PR professionals and academia a need to examine and discuss the gap between our traditional media, journalism and public communication training and practices with an opportunity to strategically plan for the concept of Nowism or better yetRead… Read more »