Posts Tagged: social

Design, Simplicity & Calls to Action – Must Haves for Enterprise 2.0 (#e2conf)

Lots going on at the Enterprise 2.0 show here in Boston today. So far, I’ve met a lot of great people, with a ton of valuable sessions. Here’s principle 6, 7, & 8 from the guide to enterprise 2.0 e released earlier this week. Principle #6 – Design Can Make a Big Difference While inRead… Read more »

More Enterprise 2.0 Principles (#e2conf)

Busy day today at the Enterprise 2.0 show! I was on a customer panel on social computing earlier today with Microsoft, EA, Battelle, Watson Wyatt, and the MN Dept of Education. I participated by discussing some of the Army’s experience with social computing and communities. Great panel with lots of excellent insights on making enterpriseRead… Read more »

A Practical Guide to Enterprise 2.0 (#e2conf) – 10 Principles for Success

We’re at the Enterprise 2.0 conference this week, and we’ve released a new guide to help organizations in the public and private sector make sense of social networking for the enterprise. Enterprise 2.0, despite the term, really encompasses all of the social networking and other Web 2.0 technology as it applies within the workplace. IfRead… Read more »

Sharing the World Sisterhood III – Leadership Conference 2009 | Seeking Philanthropic Grantmakers | Seed | Grants-in-aid | Gift | Tax-deductible Contributions

From the Washington Business Examiner by Donna L. Quesinberry RE: FUTURE Sharing the World Sisterhood III – 2009 Leadership Conference FUTURE (Families United Toward Universal Respect) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) that supports women in developing third world countries and teaches them a strong organizational model based on volunteerism that promotes self-reliance, networking and family unity.Read… Read more »

Iran and social media

No one can say how all this will turn out, but I’m an optimist. I think social media can change the world, that connecting together large populations renders dictatorial government nearly impossible. Once everyone’s hooked up it will become clear that the sane outnumber the mad. I think it’s reasonable to believe that Twitter, orRead… Read more »

KDOT social media update

Our open-to-the-public online community, K-TOC, now has almost 700 members, most of them transportation professionals. Seven hundred members is considerably more than we anticipated when we launched in January, but in the past month enrollment rate has dropped substantially. I think we’re approaching the natural membership limit for a community devoted to transportation in Kansas.Read… Read more »

More on Twitter and the events in Iran

Expanding on the points made by the head of BBC News, Richard Sambrook, about the issues with sorting through the outpouring of tweets from Iran, Kevin Drum writing for Mother Jones underlines some lessons about the way in which Twitter is best used at a moment like this. Firstly he actually quotes me, unwittingly: OneRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 creating multiple personality disorder?!

Loved Adam Arthur’s post just now about tools to manage social profiles, he suggests apps like that have been very helpful and other new ones that I will have to try out. But this led me to a related question: How do you manage what “profile” to take on for any given tool /Read… Read more »