Posts Tagged: social

How to design for .gov

Like this … Sample Twitter reaction ‘IT ROCKS!’ I am reminded of the Mac o/s interface though :] (which, woods’n’trees, apparently hadn’t crossed their minds). Immediately appealing, the just redesigned site has very strong usability – this was the central aim of the redesign. Behind the scenes it makes use of – I thinkRead… Read more »

Social media strategy in a nutshell: Mission! Tool! Metrics! Teach!

For a few months now, I’ve been repeating this mantra about how to approach social media projects: mission, tool, metrics, teach. It was even one of the options for the day 1 camp song at Gov’t 2.0 Camp. It came to me while walking home from the Metro one day. I was trying to comeRead… Read more »

Here’s Your Chance to Shine: Government 2.0 Expo and Showcase

Have you done something to help usher in the era of Government 2.0 and want to show it off? Have you changed the culture of your organization from one that hoards information to one that openly shares and collaborates with each other? Are you tired of toiling in obscurity while you see the same storiesRead… Read more »

How Social Media Differs from Traditional Media

by Rick Alcantara The age of homogenized, corporate-directed, media-censored communication is fading. Social media is the new reality. It will not only change how you receive and send information, but also how you interact with friends, find a job, obtain resources and even manage your work. Social media is not about popularity. It’s about engagement,Read… Read more »

How Australian journalists are using Twitter

Republished from eGovAU. If you’ve been attempting to advocate the use of Twitter for your Department or Agency, as I know a couple of people have been attempting to do, this article by MediaShift on How Journalists Are Using Twitter in Australia provides some large calibre ammunition. So does this Internal Comms Hub report discussingRead… Read more »

UK runs a localgovcamp

Following the enormously successful second BarcampUKGovweb, held at the Ministry of Justice in January, digital enabler Dave Briggs got to organising our first localgovcamp. LocalGovCamp is an event for local government folk that will take place on Saturday 20 June at the Fazeley Studios in Birmingham. This blog is the main source of information aboutRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 as a Means to $AVE

I just read an article on a new study from Watson Wyatt Worldwide which indicates that employers are looking to get the most out of their HR technology — shocking considering this economy, eh? So what did the survey say about utilizing social networking to communicate internally and making the investment now with the gaolRead… Read more »

Social Portals. Why? How? When?

Should Facebook and other social portals—tools and networks designed to build social relationships and friendships be used as a primary means to formulate public policy? Are the social portals the right (and best) strategic approach to support the multiple roles and needs of government agencies — now and into the future? If we today promoteRead… Read more »

Is Social Software the Answer to Government Onboarding & Offboarding?

It may be hard to believe, but in some Government departments, the rate of attrition will reach 50% over the next five years (direct quote from a Government HR professional). While this retiring group will do well to bring down Government deficit loads, it requires agencies to imagine how to more effectively onboard with allRead… Read more »