Posts Tagged: social

Social Software Lessons from the Government and Military

One thing that people often find surprising when I’m talking to them about social learning and communities, is when they find out how government and military organizations are really leading the way when it comes to actually using Web 2.0 tools and making an impact within their organizations. Hands down, government organizaitons are the onesRead… Read more »

Does the White House Believe Social Media is too Noisy?

By Kristin Bockius, State & Local Government Social Media Marketing Manager Bright Side of Government blog My attention was caught this afternoon when I saw the headline, “White House Strives to Reduce Noise in Social Media Initiatives.” It was a blog post written by Mitch Wagner at InformationWeek. Could it be true that the AdministrationRead… Read more »

Do you plan your online strategy in the same way you plan your media strategy?

Republished from eGovAU. Typically government and commercial media teams spend time identifying publications and journalists that have the most appropriate audiences for an organisation’s products and services. They commit energy to building constructive relationships with those that have influence over the members of the public they are trying to engage, tailoring stories to suit theirRead… Read more »

Mind the Gap

Your organization’s web and communication teams likely did not include web 2.0 or social media staff from the start. Expectations for engagement and more accessible technologies are rapidly evolving and some communication shops – or many depending on who you ask – are playing catch up to become a more dynamic presence in the webRead… Read more »

eKnowledge: Web 2.0 tools are giving new life to traditional Knowledge Management

Since Nanaka and Takeuchi introduced the concept of knowledge management in the mid-90s, corporations, nonprofits and government agencies have spent millions implementing relatively simple KM systems that focused mostly on integrating various information resources. Knowledge Management initiatives fell out of favor for a while but are starting see a comeback as social media tools areRead… Read more »

Pushing Collaboration Outside the Firewall

I’ve recently been evaluating social networking software for a non-profit agency and I saw a type of collaborative ability I hadn’t seen before. A couple of the higher-end products claimed the whiteboarding and project collaboration group areas could actually be pushed outside corporate firewalls to allow collaboration with outsiders. This seems intriguing given the newRead… Read more »

In social software, little design changes can make a big difference – US Mil

One of the interesting rubber hits the road things about social software is that it is all about the user. How do you engage them? make them productive? and leverage them? Below is some interesting insight about how in fact, with this focus on the user, that small changes can make a real difference. ThereRead… Read more »

Can we use crowdsourcing to reshape democracy?

Republished from eGovAU. Beth Noveck, director of President Obama’s open government initiative, said in a recent essay, Our institutions of governance are characterized by a longstanding culture of professionalism in which bureaucrats – not citizens – are the experts. Until recently, we have viewed this arrangement as legitimate because we have not practically been ableRead… Read more »