Posts Tagged: socialmedia

Want Google+ To Be Your One-Stop-Shop: Start G+

No need to write a long drawn out discussion here on the pros and cons of Google+ as we have all spent a lot of time “discussing” said topic. However, I did stumble across something awesome last night and wanted to share it with the believers and non-believers: Start G+ ( Start G+ is aRead… Read more »

Charlene Li and the Facebook Page of U.S. Embassy – Jakarta, Indonesia

I know Charlene Li from her book < Marketing in the Groundswell >. This little book was a very fun to read. It pointed out a simple fact that is so easily overlooked nowadays: We talk too much, but rarely listen. In the summer issue of <The Public Manager>, Charlene Li re reiterated this idea—sheRead… Read more »

Mass Media Engagement: How Journalists are Using Google+

By now most are probably like me, someone who actually likes Google+ (Transparency), are probably starting to grow a little wary of the number of blogs on Google+ that talk about how awesome or un-awesome (it’s a word..seriously..) it is. Okay, fair enough, I have written my share on this topic and comments until myRead… Read more »

Big Business Recruiting Via Social Networks Trending Upwards

I think we’ve all seen and heard the articles about how companies are starting to conduct “social media background investigations,” but how many companies are actually using social networks as a recruiting mechanism? Well, Jobvite has come to us with an answer via a survey they have now been conducting for nearly four years, annually,Read… Read more »

The Hierarchy of Needs for Social Media Evangelists

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” What do you need from your job to succeed? Good salary? Short commute? Work/life balance? Everyone has their own dealbreakers and must-haves – what’s important to one person may not matter to another. These variables differ greatly from profession to profession too. I rememberRead… Read more »

Components of an Ideal Local Government Social Media Seminar

Over the MLK holiday weekend, I did some organized thinking on what a good local government social media seminar would entail. I advise few rules in use of social media, but internal processes, guidelines and training are important for improving coordination and value of official efforts. Additionally, there are simple risk management practices that canRead… Read more »

The State of OpenGov/Gov 2.0 – Where to Now?

On Tuesday before the President’s State of the Union address, OpenGov and Gov 2.0 activists, journalists and organizers will gather for a GovLoop live chat, Gov 2.0 Radio podcast and collaborative document editing project to help define the movement and discuss where we need to go from here. Tuesday, Jan. 25, 7:30 to 9 p.m.Read… Read more »

e-GOTV. Is it Real? Digital Strategies for e-Political Campaigning

Is e-GOTV a reality? What politicians, municipalities, or government agencies are doing it best? Last year, Ingrid Koehler wrote about Paden Noble’s work for Newark, New Jersey Central Ward Councilman, Darrin Sharif, in her piece “Social beats cash: a local campaign case study”. We appreciate that she credits us with the first use of Foursquare,Read… Read more »

A Few Gov 2.0 Thoughts As We Greet 2011

I’m not big on resolutions, roundups and predictions, but I have been tweeting a bit about Gov 2.0 in 2011 and a great back and forth today with our movement’s scribe, Alex Howard, teased out a few of my thoughts in greater detail. My reflections for 2011 are more of a sentiment than any concreteRead… Read more »