Posts Tagged: Space

Space Shuttle Risk Management Case Study

We are moving some of our risk management training products into the public domain to share with other agencies and academia. Check out the Space Shuttle Super Light Weight Tank Risk Management Case Study at this link: David M. Lengyel Risk & Knowledge Management Officer Exploration Systems Mission Directorate NASA

NASA Endeavor’s Final Launch Uses Online Video for Event

Photo: Space shuttle Endeavor launches on the STS-134 mission to the International Space Station. Photo credit: NASA——————- This might have been the last launch of Space Shuttle Endeavor, but it wasn’t the first time that NASA has used online video to broadcast a space shuttle launch to the world. NASA streams video of NASA TVRead… Read more »

Space Fireball Data Sharing Coming

There’s a cool story today at The US military is in talks to share its data on Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) entering Earth’s atmosphere. Paraphrasing of course, this is cool because it lets scientists NEO airbursts and how to recover meteroites. The full article is here. 

How Do Rocket Scientists Learn? (aka, knowledge management lessons learned at Goddard, NASA)

Originally posted at my blog: Rocket scientists, software developers, systems engineers, and all the other people that work at Goddard helping us better understand the earth and space are smart. That’s a given. But how do they improve their practice, learn from each other, and continue to improve on overwhelmingly complex tasks? In aRead… Read more »

Could Enterprise 2.0 Have Prevented Apollo 13?

“Houston, we have a problem…” While many now consider the determination and ingenuity displayed during the rescue of the Apollo 13 astronauts to be one of NASA’s finest hours, could it have been prevented altogether if NASA had had the benefits of the type of robust internal social network made possible by today’s technology? TheRead… Read more »

Space logistics and replenishment of diminishing nonrenewables

“. . . nor can we consume the world’s resources without regard to effect. For the world has changed, and we must change with it.” (President Barack Obama President, The United States of America, Inaugural Address, January. 20, 2009) ~~~~~ Space and Nonrenewable Resources:yes””> One of my post-retirement writing experiments in the late 70’s wasRead… Read more »

Space Buzz: The New High!

The 18th annual SXSW Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas will be held on March 11-15, 2011. They bill the event as “five days of compelling presentations from the brightest minds in emerging technology, scores of exciting networking events hosted by industry leaders.” Potential presenters submit panel session proposals, which are sifted and selected for voting.Read… Read more »