Is the “Lowest Price Technically Acceptable” Acceptable for Government Software Purchases?
The lowest bidder isn’t always the best choice — especially when it comes to government software purchases. Here’s what you could be missing.
The lowest bidder isn’t always the best choice — especially when it comes to government software purchases. Here’s what you could be missing.
With modern solutions, state and local governments can now achieve holistic and easy-to-access insights into their spending.
If you haven’t had a chance to look through the spending legislation for this fiscal year, we’ve highlighted some interesting points in the areas of IT and the federal workforce.
As revenues rise following the Great Recession, spend them in strategically in key areas instead of just restoring all previous cuts.
Understanding how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars is a daunting task. In fiscal year 2013 alone, the federal government spent $3.5 trillion. In May, Congress unanimously passed and the President signed the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA), which increases accountability and transparency of federal spending. The act requires several changes that will shedRead… Read more »
According to Forrester’s Jennifer Belissent, PH.D blog, “To name your price is to know your price”. She pointed out that due to data sharing, you are now able to learn what to expect to pay for a product/service, even if you’ve had no experience purchasing it before. Data sharing now enables you to know whatRead… Read more »
The data is out, government vendors manage to make money helping the government use social media. In fact, one of SmartProcure’s fellow participants in Code for America’s 2013 Accelerator was Archive Social, a fantastic govtech company that helps government agencies archive their social media activity. Here are the results based on the study of governmentRead… Read more »
Defense Department Comptroller Robert Hale said Thursday he is cautiously optimistic that lawmakers will reach an agreement to limit cuts to defense spending under sequestration, Defense One reported Friday. Hale told an audience at the Defense One Summit in Washington he believes budget uncertainty harms the military’s ability to address national security challenges, according toRead… Read more »
A Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments analyst predicts that defense budget may drop as much as $415 billion if sequestration remains in place over the next decade, Aviation Week reported Friday. Michael Bruno writes CSBA defense analyst Todd Harrison said Thursday that the military’s authorized procurement would fall to $62 billion on an annualRead… Read more »
One of the most effective ways to predict procurement opportunities before they’re listed publicly is to learn from past spending. Two great free government-run websites that show how federal government agencies are spending their money are and Each site allows you to research how the government has spent its procurement dollars in theRead… Read more »