How Connecticut Reinforced Its Resilience
Connecticut CIO Mark Raymond recently explained how his state is improving its resilience through IT consolidation, modernization and simplification.
Connecticut CIO Mark Raymond recently explained how his state is improving its resilience through IT consolidation, modernization and simplification.
The technology challenges in rural America are real, but there are measures that can be taken to proactively address these concerns.
Montana resolved its communication problems and implemented a scalable solution that delivers personalized communication to its constituents.
The second-largest county in Utah, Utah County, transformed its outdated election processes into a location-enabled system suited for modern-day elections.
Maintaining election integrity isn’t easy, but it’s work that could change the outcome of this election and the future of our governmental institutions.
Sound public decision-making that embraces public participation is needed at a time when trust in government is at an all-time low. You need a diverse team to improve your practices and adapt to the next big change.
Seattle recently invested in 3D capabilities to visualize the whole city alongside zoning requirements using ArcGIS Urban software
Smaller departments and staffs that have often struggled to pursue grants. Lifecycle grants management can even the playing field.
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) has a variety of ways that it participates in its local communities. There is one that stands above the rest.
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) offers opportunities for all permanent staff to experience work outside their classification. These opportunities are called job shadows, where an employee is able to spend a day with someone of their choosing, upon manager approval. I went on a job shadow with a Region 2 Project Manager (PM) inRead… Read more »