Posts Tagged: state&local

Should Government Contractors Be Banned From Making Political Contributions?

Legislation banning government contractors from making political contributions to government officials often called “Pay to Play” exists in eleven states. Three cities in New Jersey: Newark, Jersey City, and Hoboken also have enacted legislation prohibiting Pay to Play. Companies and individuals that conduct business with cities and counties often provide the lion’s share of campaignRead… Read more »

GovBytes: NYC Tests Potential Solution to Parking Woes

Those living in cities are more than familiar with circling blocks for parking spots, unable to find one. New York City, however, is testing a solution that’s been tried in San Francisco. NYC will be utilizing small sensors placed on the ground in parking spots which will transmit information on whether or not a parkingRead… Read more »

City of Honolulu Launches “Honolulu 311” Developed by CitySourced

CitySourced Inc., has launched ‘Honolulu 311.’ This is a smartphone reporting system which allows citizens to use smartphones to report abandoned vehicles, broken street lights, illegal dumping and a variety of other issues. “The Honolulu 311 system will help Honolulu become a lean, clean, smart city through the use of technology,” Honolulu Mayor Peter CarlisleRead… Read more »

A Report Card To Evaluate Local Government Meetings?

Buffalo ReformED is an education reform advocacy organization that brings together parents, teachers, business leaders, and community stakeholders and aims to revitalize Buffalo through an improved education system. Buffalo ReformED has developed a report card that they use to evaluate Buffalo Board of Education meetings. What do you think about this meeting Report Card? CouldRead… Read more »

State & Local Pension Investments Grow, Recovery Continues, & GovCon Prospects Improve

Deltek Sr. Analyst Chris Cotner reports. The U.S. Census rather quietly produced a report this month on public employee retirement systems. Overall, pension news is very good and improving, with balances improving in FY 2010 after two straight years of losses. For FY 2010, cash and investment holdings for state-administered pensions increased to $2.2 TrillionRead… Read more »

Aging locks and dams – a ‘scary’ situation for Pittsburgh area #WRDA

The lack of funding for our nation’s inland navigational arteries is reaching a point of crisis. Much of the nation’s critical inland navigation infrastructure is crumbling, and not much is being done to resolve the funding shortfall needed to upgrade old locks and dams. Western Pennsylvania’s 23 locks are old and, in some cases, crumbling,Read… Read more »

Wisconsin redux: Indiana edges closer to right-to-work

Indiana is on the verge of stripping union rights and becoming a right-to-work state. The Republican-controlled House passed a bill on Wednesday that would ban unions from collecting mandatory fees from workers. The bill follows similar measures in other states like Wisconsin, which have drawn mass protests. The bill now goes to the Senate whereRead… Read more »

California FY 2013 Budget: More Ground to Cover

Deltek Analyst Erin Brady reports. California Governor Edmund Brown presented his proposed budget on Jan. 5. In last year’s budget, even after many cuts, Brown faced a $12.5 billion deficit. The reality coming into FY 2013 is a $9.2 billion deficit that includes $4.1 billion that will be carried over from FY 2012. In hisRead… Read more »