Posts Tagged: state&local

Nebraska, Ohio push forward on insurance exchanges despite opposition

Nebraska and Ohio are both considering measures that would set up health insurance exchanges in their states. Both measures are expected to face stiff opposition from Republican lawmakers that oppose federal health care reform. However, both Governor Heineman and Governor Kasich are expected to at least consider the measures to avoid, ‘federal takeover’ as implementationRead… Read more »

Giving Back to Wisconsin Veterans and Seniors

To read this blog and more, visit our blog at The Wisconsin State Treasury and the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) are teaming up to help veterans claim money they may have lost or forgotten. The agreement between myself and WDVA Secretary John Scocos permits the Unclaimed Property Unit in the State TreasuryRead… Read more »

Does Your Local Government Promote Meaningful Citizen Engagement?

In a previous post I discussed how Faith Gordon requested the City Council in Lackawanna, NY to make available to the public copies of the entire Council meeting agenda not just a summary. Ms. Gordon requested that the entire City Council meeting agenda including resolutions, memos etc. be put on-line, so that the public canRead… Read more »

Come to the DC Hadoop Users Group meeting 25 Jan!!

Hear from Doug Cutting and Todd Lipcon unique Hadoop technical capabilities Join the local DC community at a Hadoop Users Group meeting on Wed, Jan 25th from 6-9pm at The National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, 13th floor, Washington, DC. The event will feature Doug Cutting and Todd Lipcon each discussing a variety ofRead… Read more »

Cities, states pass resolutions against corporate personhood

Several cities and states are passing resolutions against corporate personhood. The resolutions are the result of Supreme Court decision, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission which gave corporations the same first amendment rights as individuals and thereby opening the floodgates for money in politics in the US. Cities and states with rules governing political contributionsRead… Read more »

Minnesota uses co-ops to expand broadband, Mass. picks Lightower

Maine and Massachusetts are moving forward on broadband. Minnesota’s broadband task for released its first report last week which shows that co-ops are helping the state expand rural broadband. Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI), a division of the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, has selected Lightower to provide a diverse network solution as part of its MassBroadband 123Read… Read more »

Long-term trends and short-term budget issues put the crunch on state funding for higher ed.

Deltek Analyst Derek Johnson reports. A recent Washington Post article by Daniel de Vise explores the “historic collapse in state funding for higher education” that has occurred over the last two decades. While a large part of the piece focuses on the plight of UC Berkeley – whose state-funded share of its operating budget hasRead… Read more »

Temporary federal budget measures end health care state programs

Continuing resolutions are a key part of the federal budget process. They allow for the government to continue to meet its obligations on a temporary basis when congress fails to pass a full budget measure. However, when the federal government relies solely on temporary budget measures as it has for quite awhile, programs without automaticRead… Read more »